[9/11] Let's have a discussion.

You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than being killed by a terrorist. 9/11 was not a tragedy it was just a day where a lot of people were killed all at once and therefore sticks out among other days.

How many people died in 9/11? Most of us can quote the number. How many people died due to drunk driving that year?


yeah we shouldn't waste our time trying to prevent deaths
The conspiracy theory avoids the real issue: Bush didn't keep up Clinton's anti-terror policies because he's a vengeful dipshit, and we got hit. And then later we lost a city while he was on vacation.

How does Bush and the GOP get any credit for national security at all, even with the Kool Aid-slurpers? Boggles my mind. What a fucking debacle.
stop fucking feeding the obvious combined troll attempt of Taxi and Scuzzle

-------------------------end thread-----------------------------

9/11 Commission Omissions

They're all quite short for short attention spans..

26 June 2001: India and Iran will "facilitate" US and Russian plans for "limited military action"
against the Taliban if the contemplated tough new economic sanctions don't bend Afghanistan's fundamentalist regime.

The Taliban controls 90 per cent of Afghanistan and is advancing northward along the Salang
highway and preparing for a rear attack on the opposition Northern Alliance from
Tajikistan-Afghanistan border positions.

Indian foreign secretary Chokila Iyer attended a crucial session of the second Indo-Russian joint working group on Afghanistan in Moscow amidst increase of Taliban's military activity near the Tajikistan border. And, Russia's Federal Security Bureau (the former KGB) chief Nicolai Patroshev is visiting Teheran this week in connection with Taliban's military build-up.

Indian officials say that India and Iran will only play the role of "facilitator" while the US and Russia will combat the Taliban from the front with the help of two Central Asian countries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, to push Taliban lines back to the 1998 position 50 km away from Mazar-e-Sharief city in northern Afghanistan.

Military action will be the last option though it now seems scarcely avoidable with the UN banned from Taliban controlled areas. The UN which adopted various means in the last four years to resolve the Afghan problem is now being suspected by the Taliban and refused entry into Taliban areas of the war ravaged nation through a decree issued by Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar last month. [indiareacts.com]

U.S. planned for attack on al-Qaida - U.S. Security - MSNBC.com

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | US 'planned attack on Taleban'

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Karzai elected Afghan leader - New Afghan Strongman Is Former UNOCAL Consultant

"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11." - Tony Blair. July 17, 2002 [Guardian]

Enjoy! :gayfight:

9/11 Commission Omissions

They're all quite short for short attention spans..

U.S. planned for attack on al-Qaida - U.S. Security - MSNBC.com

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | US 'planned attack on Taleban'

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Karzai elected Afghan leader - New Afghan Strongman Is Former UNOCAL Consultant

Enjoy! :gayfight:

Why rely on what the government tells you, that's stupid.

I rely on what I saw that day - I was home from school, playing t2 actually, and I saw it all on live tv. The government wasn't telling me planes flew into buildings, nor am I blindingly accepting their explanation, I saw it myself and that's that.

And then with osama accepting responsibility himself and the words of other terrorists, and of course the past history of al qaeda attacks on that target in 93, I just sort of put 2+2 together. Me and my dad were saying this was osama 10 minutes after it happened, we didn't need george W to fill us in on that.

And of course like all major news events (jfk/moon landing/etc) there are some people who think conspiracy is afoot, but no one really gives a fuck what they think.
And then with osama accepting responsibility himself and the words of other terrorists, and of course the past history of al qaeda attacks on that target in 93, I just sort of put 2+2 together.

Well that settles it! The word of a terrorist and Triple's infallible common sense, that's all America needs to mete justice.
I don't see a problem with that unless im wrong, which im not. The 9-11 commission concluded the same as I on much more evidence to go on. But I guess they're in on it so they don't count.

Or do you know of the "real" 9/11 plotter? Go on.
I don't know how I missed that, but good job.

Yep, I "totally lost it" Taxi :rofl:

Funny thing is, later that day after you made your little comment about my replacing the supposed "rant" guess what I found in ctrl-v and saved to a text file?

Ya'll should have seen Brontez lose his fucking mind and go off on like.... I don't even know what you'd call them... he was agreeing with me while ranting and raving that he disagreed.... then of course he did the usual and planted words in my mouth... the whole you could practically see him frothing at the mouth.

It was pure, priceless TW, and I fucking knew I should have quoted it. But by the time I jumped back into the thread to quote it, he had deleted it all.

He'll deny this, of course. Or else spin it as saying "I'm not worth it" or whatever. But he snapped, and it was priceless. I'm gonna be kicking myself for not quoting it for a long time.

Here's the actual reply I made, right before I realized I was wasting my breath over a tinfoil hat waring idiot.

The following was my response to ConspiracyTaxi's lengthy post on this page: http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=542459&page=12

I read every word of that, and I have to say, what a load of SHIT.

Taxi, you went on for several paragraphs about how rotten corporate America is, as if any idiot didn't already know that.

It's the way it is because that's what works, and frankly it works fine for the consumer as well and the multi-million dollar "big daddy" at the top of the corporate ladder.

I've known since my very first job about the circle jerk that is the corporate "board of trustees". Sure it's the same 100 or so people on the board of just about all the largest companies in a given city, this is nothing new or nefarious. Many of these people in Houston I know personally. They make a shit ton of money to just sit in on meetings, the CEO says "hey I want to do this with the company" and they rubber stamp it.

These boards are required BY LAW to protect shareholders, not some secret society controlling the world :lol:

Taxi, I'm in advertising. It is not just my job, but my CAREER, to convince people to buy shit. Does this make me somehow connected to the vast evil machine? Because if so I need to talk to the evil overlords and make sure I'm getting my cut of the evil conspiracy loot. :lol:

Holy shit I love this one...

"Does any average person really think these conglomerates care about 'the average person'."

Do you honestly think they're SUPPOSED to? They don't even KNOW the average person. The people making decisions are so far removed from "average people" that all they are is a "consumer", not a person with a name.

And can you really blame them? They're dealing with an operation so big, they can't possibly get to know their own employees let alone the entire consumer public!

Oh and this gem,

"Such as Halliburton’s sweetheart deal with the U.S. government, where they garnered a no-bid, exclusive contract worth billions of dollars to supply the U.S. military for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Call me a conspiracy theorist... but I don't think I'm going out on a limb at all when I shine the light on the fact that Dick Cheney was the fucking CEO of Halliburton. Coincidence, much?"

YES, it IS a fucking conicidence.

Or maybe not! :shock:

MAYBE, the guy who made Halliburton such a massive success was picked because "gasp" he was SUCCESSFUL!?!

MAYBE Halliburton didn't have to bid because "gasp" NO ONE ELSE HAS THE SAME CAPABILITIES HALIBURTON HAS!?!

But these are just the typical facts that conspiracy theorists ignore when they're inconvenient.

And now for some SERIOUS backpedaling!!!

8) Do you believe that the planes striking the twin towers were the ultimate cause of every building's collapse in that immediate area?

Yes I do.

The impact of planes into the WTC was an event that so far was unexperienced in all of human history. There hasn't been a catastrophic event that even remotely compares to it engineering-wise. Additionally, the WTC was of a unique design, with it's inner and outer skeletons being the way they were. So I think those two facts have caused many otherwise rational or intelligent people to understandably jump to assumptions, to not believe their eyes, or to quite simply guess. I think the majority of "conspiracy theorists" simply aren't thinking things through and are basing their opinions on biased, skewed data that leans towards their own particular point of view. Add some active imaginations into the mix, and you have a hundred and one different theories for why the towers (and #7) fell.

I think that if anyone looks at the mechanics of the towers objectively and without assuming that they were intentionally detonated, and if they really pushed themselves to understand the mechanics and engineering involved, they would realize the same thing - the planes brought the buildings down.

But of course that's difficult to do because it brings into play the human ego, which rarely likes to admit that it's wrong.

Wow Taxi, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the POLAR OPPOSITE of what you said about a year ago? Does the champion of the deliberate detonation theory on TribalWar now acknowledge that everything he's been saying for years about the buildings being an inside job was utter horseshit?

Oh dear god and then there's these lovelies...

"I find it difficult to believe that passports from the hijackers would be found amongst that wreckage."

Yeah I'd find it pretty fucking hard to believe too, good thing you have to CHECK IN USING VALID ID WITH THE AIRLINE BEFORE BOARDING A FLIGHT. Holy shit Taxi they didn't identify the hijackers by magically finding their pristine passports in the molten wreckage, they looked up the airlines logs :lol:

"I find it difficult to believe that the multi-billion dollar air defense system that has been in place and working perfectly in this country for many years decided to suddenly go to sleep, failing to follow even its most basic standard operating practices."

What the hell are you talking about? Please show me an article about this perfectly working defense screen in 2001, consistently saving us from decades of attacks in the lower 48.

"I'm going to sit down and really map out my entire point of view one of these days, and I can already see it it in my head. I want it to read like a timeline and a fact base, where events on the timeline can be pulled up on a link-by-link basis."

See here's the problem, every damn word you typed up is your opinion, your point of view. A year ago you were stark raving mad, railing against Bush for causing this quite directly, and making ridiculous claims that it was not only an inside job, but that we quite literally brought down the buildings with explosives that were magically placed there while everybody was looking yet nobody saw. NOW, your point of view has gone through such drastic changes I honestly am beginning to think this is just an elaborate troll.

For fuck sake Taxi get a grip.

I half want to erase everything I just typed and replace it with "lol shut the fuck up faggot", because that's about what I think your ranting is really worth, but I won't because I want you to know I actually read that garbage, every word, and want to offer a hearty fuck you for wasting my time.

So here's the deal, I genuinely hope you get your shit together because as much time and thought as you appear to put into this nonsense, you could probably BE at the top of that dreaded corporate ladder if you applied half the effort and passion that you waste on this shit. But don't let me stop you from your beloved hobby, please waste the rest of your life on this movie of the week bullshit.

There it is Taxi, copy it, paste it, masturbate to it I really don't give a shit.

p.s. I didn't ask what he said, I asked how long it took him to respond. I should probably know better than to read these threads if I want to completely ignore him, but this one lapse in judgment was worth it :lol:


Taxi, go eat a dick.

With a side of shit salad.
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I've actually read the 9-11 Comission report.


Anyone else?

i've read it 4 times and i 100% agree with everything u say

it was a CIA/Mossad inside job outsourced to the zionists

it's all part of the nwo illuminati order to use nazi gold to take over the world

what books would u recommend on the subject?
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i've read it 4 times and i 100% agree with everything u say

it was a CIA/Mossad inside job outsourced to the zionists

it's all part of the nwo illuminati order to use nazi gold to take over the world

what books would u recommend on the subject?

Pffft, only 4 times? It's blatantly obvious that it is all the work of Zombie soldiers created by martian Nazi's. Seriously how could half a dozen Ay Rabs take over a plane with nothing but plastic sporks!!!

This is the work of the alien Nazi undead!!! Mark my words!!!

Absent How do I join the ranks of the brotherhood? I'm 100% wite, really!!!
The conspiracy theory avoids the real issue: Bush didn't keep up Clinton's anti-terror policies because he's a vengeful dipshit, and we got hit. And then later we lost a city while he was on vacation.

How does Bush and the GOP get any credit for national security at all, even with the Kool Aid-slurpers? Boggles my mind. What a fucking debacle.

Yeah, Clinton had some amazing anti-terror policies. :rolleyes: