Why I left/am leaving TW

if I keep ignoring you will you get even angrier

my kids name is steven jupiter

he says hi


So who's idea was the jupiter part?
Jupiter is king of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder.
He is the equivalent of Zeus in the Greek pantheon.
jupiter wasn't a god. it was zeus.

romans just too fucking stupid to pick gods of their own.

and yes, zeus went around fucking/raping chicks all the time. but to try to ensure his wife never found out he'd turn himself into a swan or some similar bullshit and then would go on fuck/rape sprees

gangsta, if you ask me
My daddy was born in Burlington, Vermont because his daddy was going to medical school at UVM. Around the age of six, he moved to a state he never heard of (Connecticut). Soccer, computers and the guitar became his main interests as he began middle school. In high school, he won championships in both CAD (I don't know what that is but it sounds important) and wrestling, and was even in a movie on PBS! They paid him in canadian money, though. He says that used to be a bad thing.
Later, family trips to Italy and France sparked a love of good food, and eventually trying to cook it. Now he is training under a world -class chef from the West Bank. Daddy makes stuff for me to eat every day and it is really good. Then again I am just a baby so what do I know? It could be terrible and I would probably eat it anyway. It's good though, trust me.
the thing with shit like this is first it starts with just a handful of posters nexting others

and before you know it people are nexting themselves

where does it stop!?