Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

I get it. He had lots of cash and lawyers to defend himself. But you bitches also made a choice. You made a deal with the devil and now you want to crawfish out of it. All these victims coming forward... You people are pathetic. 2 of you losers could have taken him down anytime you wanted but the truth is... you wanted his help.

“Let’s be perfectly clear about one thing: Everybody f--king knew,” Rosenberg wrote on Facebook.
“Not that he was raping. No, that we never heard. But we were aware of a certain pattern of overly aggressive behavior that was rather dreadful. We knew about the man’s hunger; his fervor; his appetite. There was nothing secret about this voracious rapacity; like a gluttonous ogre out of the Brothers Grimm. All couched in vague promises of potential movie roles. (And, it should be noted: there were many who actually succumbed to his bulky charms. Willingly. Which surely must have only impelled him to cast his fetid net even wider).”
The NFL is openly killing itself. Hollywood will follow suit - and has been for some time.

We have been telling them that they are dipshits for some time now. That things like an all female ghostbusters is the equivalent of taking a knee for the anthem. They don't fucking listen.

So - what has America done? We have tuned out. They are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the latest generations get their entertainment from watching their peers do shit on the internet. You have to have some Rick and Morty type writing to get their attention. Otherwise? They will watch hours of randomness spewing out of youtube. Or twitch. Wake up asshats - go back to what you are supposed to do - creating quality entertainment and shutting the fuck up about shit that has no business in our entertainment choices.

Got a point to make? Put it in the content. Let people choose if they agree or not.

It's all going to shit motherfuckers. We are eliminating the chokeholds on our infostreams and entertainment streams. You dinosaurs will all be dead and gone soon. Freedom of choice will reign supreme. Fuckers like Harvey will be gone. SHAME on you assholes for letting him turn you into whores. It is sad that you live in fear of a little asshole just to fill your pockets. You sad little fucks. You made trades that now you realize are very shitty. Any of you enabling fucks should leave town. Any of you fuckers that condone any of this shit should be ashamed of yourselves.

I agree with every bit of that.

As far as Hollywood goes, I think it's hilarious that people are pretending to be shocked and outraged though. Everyone has known about the casting couch forever, and I don't just mean within the industry. It doesn't stop there, either. The casting couch is everywhere, and will continue to be everywhere as long as there are people with power who want to fuck people without power. There are just as many scumbags on YouTube as there are at Universal. Hell, swing by any C level office at any corporation and show me how many non-hot assistants are manning the phones.

The NFL...this one makes me sad. I love the sport, but hate everything about the business.

Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.
Ben Affleck’s Harvey Weinstein woes threaten ‘Justice League’

ha ha ha ha ha

Some Batman fans have taken to Twitter, calling for Affleck to hang up his bat cape (or for the studio to do it for him). Of course, there were multiple change.org petitions back in 2013, demanding the Affleck not be cast in “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice,” and he proved to be a popular incarnation of the Caped Crusader.

Aflac is toxic for the box office, he'll take the blame when the movie fails but in reality the movie just looks like a pile of shit.
How much of this do you think is legitimate and how much of it is some kind of 'fuckyou dogpile'. I find it hard to believe that one individual holds so much power over an industry that all of these people that are stepping forward were truly afraid for their career or whatever and kept quiet.

And what kind of assholes have knowledge of a man supposedly raping, molesting and otherwise assaulting both men and women colleagues and even friends for decades, but they don't say anything because they don't want to threaten their cashflow?
Weinstein reiterated to the Los Angeles Times that he thought Polanski was misunderstood, as was the industry. "Hollywood has the best moral compass," he said.
Some chick walked by me the other day and said "Nice car by the way". I said "By the way of what?" She looked at me kinda funny and walked away.
Watch aflec on bill maher and you immediately understand that he's a raging alcoholic imbecile