[poll] is tribalwar getting more boring or am I just getting lazier

I hate running, like, despise it to the point where I probably wouldn't do it even if paid

however I do like to bike a lot

that time I took the picture of the TW symbol on the side of a silo was halfway through a 5 hour bike adventure

in short, Muk is ugly and I remain awesome
why would I try to "take on Rayn"

that's like asking if Obama is going to take on Ron Paul

I run shit here in case you forgot
I hate running, like, despise it to the point where I probably wouldn't do it even if paid

however I do like to bike a lot

that time I took the picture of the TW symbol on the side of a silo was halfway through a 5 hour bike adventure

in short, Muk is ugly and I remain awesome

5 hours and less than 20 miles
but he is totally not a nerd

plying chicks with games of risk and showing them his magic cards is totally baller and not at all nerdy

and patrolling around the periphery to make sure that other nerds dont hit on his girl (on another continent) to make sure she doesnt cheat on him (on another continent) is totally normal behaviour

but then when you're a jobless twat with a degree in linguistics with a girl (on another continent) who is working on her masters degree in engineering and hangs out with PHDs, you kinda have to worry

or get a job
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the fact that he's in a long distance relationship says more about him being a nerd than him constantly playing board games by himself like jizzcopter5000
'subaltern' is, I think, more fitting for chubs

1 because he wont understand it, and 2 cos his non-understanding will confirm his position