[OFFICIAL] :bandit:

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nice pic travace

is the bud at an odd angle? the bottom is way out of focus...
any luck on moving it away from the background more to throw it more out of focus?

i will work on setting up so i can do that.

I was also thinking it would be fun and will look better if i add a 2nd source of light somehow. like from the back? i dont know but i want to start playing around with different lighting sometime.

and that bottom even at the highest f36 it would not focus. You can prolly see some weird reflection stuff. Cause im a cheater and dont have a macro but i do have a light magnifying glass thing and thats whats giving off the weird reflection.

Shit is fun playing around. I also learned my camera is best on the Manual setting. Where i have to set everything myself. the a dep and A modes always come out shitty.
M is great
try adding some diffuse light...just cover your light source with a white sheet about a foot away from the light...or...if it's the camera flash or speedlight i learned a good cheat of covering the flash completely or the top or bottom half with masking tape
some settings pop open the flash when i dont want it so i would just use my hand to cover the light.
not sure if taping teh light i use will work... i think i know of this tho.. they have special flash covers that make it that "soft light" right ?

anyhow this is what im using to light and magnify the buds

Not exactly this one but you get the idea

so i am not sure if i can put a white sheet that far away from the light sorce.
ah now i get what youre doing...and yeah now the focus issue is apparent

you should look at getting a macro lens...it'll be night and day for ya. if you cant afford a proprietary macro, then look at a cheap quantaray 70-300 telezoom and it has a macro mode on it :) not the best but it was my first and i still use it too and it was only about $100 :bandit:

zear is there any land near you for cheap

cause id fuckin love to get out to oregon and hire you to help me build some shit

Land is $15K+ an acre here, even in BFE. I'll bet now would be a good time to be looking, if you had the money. I'd be happy to assist with design and implementation though, if you move here.

drugs are for the weak

Don't be so elitist. Drugs are for everybody. Try to be a little more inclusive next time.

why is it cool for guys to act gay online? i mean, i think a lot of guys do it...but i dont get it :shrug: i dont hate gays though...just curious
Went to the Oregon Country Fair today. It's known locally as the 'hippie fair'. It's very counterculture. I kinda grew up with this fair. It's interesting to go back after all these years. I had a blast.

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