Why does everyone have to be a Democrat or a Republican?


Veteran XV
Serious question, why is America so polarised that it pigeonholes everyone as either a Democrat (lefty liberal snowflake etc.) or a Republican (Right wing Fascist Trump loving gun nuts etc..)

Yeah I know you have independent candidates standing for elections but they aren't taken seriously. It just seems that in the US even more than other countries such as the UK which essentially has a two party system, that your 'side' in this actually defines you as a person in the eyes of others. Or am I misreading it?

Again, serious question and against all the odds I would like to see some intelligent answers. The usual :ftard: :ftard: can flame away as normal.
Only 31% identify as Democrat and only 25% as Republican.

I guess you mean self-identify, but presumably many more would be pigeonholed by others based on their stance on certain polarising issues like abortions etc...

Or are you saying this perception is not true and is more driven by the agendas of the MSM camps?
Well, as a plurality most Americans consider themselves independent, and aren't registered with either party. They obviously tend to lean towards one party or the other, but the truth is that outside of a handful of wedge issues, most Americans generally want the same things and not much differs in their lives depending on who is in charge outside of taxes.
u gotta read more tribalwar gaming news bruh, we got lots of h8ful epithets/categorizations that we use 2 label each other as americans (tho tbf they r all binary JUST LIKE GENDER)

we have kikes v dykes, niggers v chinks, spooks v crackers, fags v gays, libertarians v commies, antifags v yuppie scum, spics v jiggaboos, sharks v jets, green party v greenpeace, pigs v civvy scum, roseanne v the swamp, women v reason etc.
What fool said. Most americans don't strictly follow one party platform. Most people think I'm conservative, but politically, I'm more moderate than anything, just lean more old school libertarian which partially aligns with the GOP. I am pro choice, for example, it's not my business to tell women what to do with their bodies. I don't like abortion, but it's none of my business. I am more "leave me alone", which is diametrically opposite to the left, who wants strict state control over our lives. I think most americans feel the same. I don't think my position is unique.

I've voted for both parties in the past, as I judge people based on their voting record and bipartisanship.

Sadly, our political system requires us to pick sides.
Just some things off the top of my head.

- Money a.k.a. Never ending campaigning
- Media profits / clicks and views / paid news vs free news / more opinion pieces disguised as news / gotcha news / access news
- Social acceptance / brand loyalty / tribalism / lazy voters / zealots / single issue voters
- Parties circling-the-wagons tighter and tighter excluding less pure members
- Low hanging fruit and emotional legislation instead of important ones
- Free from prosecution legislators
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Because it's a trillion dollar clownshow and it only works if they foster an us vs them attitude in the population.
I hate both parties with all my heart and soul. Just hate repugs a teensy bit more. I will probably never vote (D) or (R) again, if I ever even bother with this fucking nonsense again. I've voted for more 3rd party candidates than either one.

Ralph Nader was right when he destroyed Al Gore's chances in y2k when he said our political system is corrupt to the core. (I voted for him that year)
It's just logical. It's naturally going to evolve into just two parties. If one splintered, it would have half the strength and the other that doesn't splinter would win every time. This is why Democrats are internally struggling with the full-on Communists within their party. It's also why people like myself align with Republicans, but trash them whenever they do/say anything that isn't Republican-like. This is why I've hated most of the recent GOP popular figures (McCain, Bush(s), Romney, etc.), basically all neo-cons.

It's not a simple, naive notion of "like, man, this two-party system is keeping us down maaaaan"

p.s. Good news for the Republicans lately is that I've seen a shift from the new normal neo-con movement back to libertarian values. It's subtle but there. The Democrats, however and unfortunately are going farther and farther left into a land where they can't return from.
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we have a winner take all system so there's no point in having other parties since they won't get anything
In the entire history there have never been more that two viable parties. They change a lot. When a third party starts to gain popularity it generally gets cannibalized.

Republicans used to basically be democrats a long while ago.
The US also has the longest running democracy in the world (it might be the longest currently running government overall, i can't remember)
Could have taken you seriously if you didn't try to make a UK is better than the US argument.