Who was the TWer that accidently killed a Nobel laureate?


Veteran XX
Who was the TWer that accidently killed a Nobel laureate? Or maybe some important scientist in a car accident?

Something about the important guy getting killed by unsecured lumber in the back of a truck. This has stuck with me, and I always make sure to secure my loads. In your moms vagina when possible.
No, actual events. Dude ran a red light or some nonsense, the resulting accident killed someone important.
It was no accident.
He was conditioned by the feds to kill him...
Just can't recall the poster's name right now...
I think the feds have erased him from our memories
Wasn't it Hfingers? Or he pulled someone from a burning wreck and got a medal or something.

Then he got a spiderman tattoo with a burning van or something

and then died from a spider bite, which is ironic
i require reparations for all the times i was dominated in tribes

Like a thing in the school curriculum where kids learn about how Pagy was shot in Tribes a couple of decades ago and we should all learn about it to help with the healing. With like a national remembrance day with a flag and some silence. Really get those guilt juices flowing.. cause that helps.