A question about diet


Veteran XX
Do you believe in 'starvation mode'? I keep seeing people talk about they stopped losing weight because they weren't eating enough and that cause the body to go into starvation mode. I believe it is a myth of sorts. There is a starvation mode but its something that people who are severely malnourished with <single digit bodyfat have to deal with to keep from losing muscle mass and as you lose muscle mass then your metabolism slows, not from any specific process called starvation mode, but because muscle mass is the primary user or glucose in fat stores

Does anyone know of any kind of actual 'starvation mode' that comes from someone fat cutting calories too low?
losing weight isnt fucking hard.

cook all your food yourself - hint - its all the food that's at the edges of the grocery store.

potatoes, eggs, milk, butter, bread, meat.

dont drink soda ever again. You're paying like $2-3/drink for sugar water. Get a case of water for $3 and drink 2-3 bottles a day. Its even cheaper than the dollar menu at fast food.

If you DO have to eat at fast food, get a kids meal. Treat it like the toxic sludge that it is and only eat what's necessary.

when you go down the aisles, you get all the fake shit.

for lunch - go to the deli and get deli slices and cheese and a loaf of bread, you got sandwiches for 1 week for $12. = $2.25/day

when i travel for work i stay at holiday inns, in the morning i take bananas, apples, boiled eggs, a bagel. Voila i got free lunch.

look for the packaged salad kits, get it on discount when its 1/2 off and eat it within 1-2 days.

when i stay overnight, i get a bottle of wine, a premade salad, and a spicy cup of ramen, i eat like a king and get wasted for like $10 for dinner.
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losing weight isnt fucking hard.

cook all your food yourself - hint - its all the food that's at the edges of the grocery store.

potatoes, eggs, milk, butter, bread, meat.

when you go down the aisles, you get all the fake shit.

for lunch - go to the deli and get deli slices and cheese and a loaf of bread, you got sandwiches for 1 week for $12. = $2.25/day

when i travel for work i stay at holiday inns, in the morning i take bananas, apples, boiled eggs, a bagel. Voila i got free lunch.

look for the packaged salad kits, get it on discount when its 1/2 off and eat it within 1-2 days.

when i stay overnight, i get a bottle of wine, a premade salad, and a spicy cup of ramen, i eat like a king and get wasted for like $10 for dinner.

literally half that goes completely against a diet.

potatoes - starchy carbs
bagel - dense processed carbs
bread - carbs
ramen - carbs
bananas - green are good for starch, ripe are fiberless fructose bombs, wine..'nuff said"
Deli - processed meats

My guess is you likely have some kind of job where you are moving around a lot. I have primarily an office job. That kind of stuff is what got me to where i was.
Do you believe in 'starvation mode'? I keep seeing people talk about they stopped losing weight because they weren't eating enough and that cause the body to go into starvation mode. I believe it is a myth of sorts. There is a starvation mode but its something that people who are severely malnourished with <single digit bodyfat have to deal with to keep from losing muscle mass and as you lose muscle mass then your metabolism slows, not from any specific process called starvation mode, but because muscle mass is the primary user or glucose in fat stores

Does anyone know of any kind of actual 'starvation mode' that comes from someone fat cutting calories too low?

There is no magic formula to defeat the laws of physics.

If you're starving you'll burn up your glycogen stores, then your fat and then your muscle, and then you'll die. Your base metabolic rate is rapidly dropping through this process.
literally half that goes completely against a diet.

potatoes - starchy carbs
bagel - dense processed carbs
bread - carbs
ramen - carbs
bananas - green are good for starch, ripe are fiberless fructose bombs, wine..'nuff said"
Deli - processed meats

My guess is you likely have some kind of job where you are moving around a lot. I have primarily an office job. That kind of stuff is what got me to where i was.

All the shit on that list is fine. You gotta get out of the carbs are bad "keto" mindset its poisoning you and keeping you from making real gains.

Carbs are fine. If you wanna lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit, period.
idk i just go by cost and buy basic food ingredients. Food should look like what it did when it grew out of the ground or was cut out of an animal.

I drink lots of coffee and water. Usually skip breakfast, sometimes skip lunch.

The fat people at work at eating a large portion of lasagna with side courses for lunch or doing take-out or drinking soda or have snacks all day long.

You could definitely lose weight if all you did was eat salads and ham sandwiches.
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All the shit on that list is fine. You gotta get out of the carbs are bad "keto" mindset its poisoning you and keeping you from making real gains.

Carbs are fine. If you wanna lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit, period.

No, complex carbs are fine.
starchy/refined/simple carbs are not
get the science out of your head bro.

just eat naturally occurring food.

if you increase your water intake, you will decrease your food intake.

also try raising chickens or growing vegetables yourself. it will change your perception.
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If your daily expenditure is 3000 calories and you consume 2500 calories of Snickers bars and Coke you'll lose weight.

You'll probably shave 10 years off your lifespan but you'll be skinnier.
the idea that bread is bad for you is fucking retarded.

Yep keto going mainstream really fucked peoples minds.

Simple white bread, especially the bagged kind with a 6 week shelf life, isn't exactly nutritious and good for you, but there's nothing magical about it when it comes to weight control.
like the artisan BS bread with 100grams of sugar is obvi not super healthy

but eating like half a french bread and a glass of wine for breakfast isn't going to derail your 'diet'.

also there's no such thing as 'going on a diet'

you just have to eat good food for your entire life.
for lunch - go to the deli and get deli slices and cheese and a loaf of bread, you got sandwiches for 1 week for $12. = $2.25/day

Deli meat is loaded with sodium, to a ridiculous level. Even the low sodium variety is the equivalent of a big mac.

You want to lose weight, just go no sugar (includes alcohol), as low sodium as you can manage, and stick to 1500-1800 calories per day, for as many days as you can string together in a row. Drink lots of water. If you're going to cheat, cheat on everything all at once on a single day.
Lowering your sodium intake and ensuring you're getting a balanced amount of potassium can regulate high blood pressure, so if you're dealing with hypertension then by all means pay more attention to your salt intake. Otherwise the guidelines are up in the air. If your blood pressure is normal and your blood markers okay, there doesn't seem to be any reason to prioritize thinking about sodium when planning your diet. Way more important shit to worry about.
Is Starvation Mode Real or Imaginary? A Critical Look

What people generally refer to as “starvation mode” (and sometimes “metabolic damage”) is your body’s natural response to long-term calorie restriction.

It involves the body responding to reduced calorie intake by reducing calorie expenditure to maintain energy balance and prevent starvation.

This is a natural physiological response, and the technical term for it is “adaptive thermogenesis” (2Trusted Source).

your body fights back, doing everything it can to make you stop losing.

The body and brain can respond by making you hungrier (so you eat more, increasing calories in), but they can also affect the number of calories you burn (calories out).

Starvation mode implies that your body reduces calories out to restore energy balance and stop you from losing any more weight, even in the face of continued calorie restriction.