The Batman (2022)

Bruce wayne hiding from the world and the sun instead of being out on the town wooing women and making mega deals is truly sad.

They should have made this movie about some other guy it didn't need to be batman

The worst Alfred in batman history, totally wasted Andy Serkis' potential
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Supporting cast aside from cat woman was great. Batman was terrible. Good story line though.
Paul Dano sucks, and the Riddler costume choice was very questionable. I didn't like it.

Penguin makeup though, the makeup artist needs to win an oscar for that. Combined with Colin Farrell's acting, you'd never know it was him.

After viewing it once and barely making it through the whole runtime, I am probably not going watch it ever again. Much like the rest of the DC movies. So all in all a forgettable experience.

Too bad we didn't get the Affleck movie we were supposed to get, he was at least interesting and believable as Batman.

I thought Paul Dano was decent in it. That dude puts off the weirdo vibe so good casting imo. Mask? Yeah I thought it was weird. Reminded me as a mix of Hannibal Lecter and Eddie Marsan wearing glasses...forget the movie. I actually thought it was him at first.

Affleck as Batman was decent, but yeah I did like him as Bruce Wayne. Thought he portrayed the side of the character quite well.

Overall I enjoyed the new Batman, sure a bit long at times but I liked the investigative side and mystery. Was a cool change of pace imo.

EDIT: Forgot to mention....going in I knew the Penguin was Colin. I rewound a few scenes several times trying to ID him. Even did a good job with his voice.
oh and the entire audience understood a rat with wings meant a bat.....despite them spending the whole movie trying to convince you it meant stool pigeon
oh and the entire audience understood a rat with wings meant a bat.....despite them spending the whole movie trying to convince you it meant stool pigeon

Yeah that part kinda made me guys seriously?
im probably more hard on it than it deserves.

ive watched way too many comic movies.
and im really fucking over batman
The best on-screen batman is still from the old animated series

but eh it still was pretty decent for a modern batman movie

wasnt a fan of the suite but its slowly growing on me, i just hope they change it up a bit later, i never like how movies have him stiff/slow and basically a mini tank, when in the comics and animated shows hes always agile.
Watching it gave me a big Manhunter vibe with Francis Dollarhyde as Riddler. It just felt like a movie i'd seen before. Then again, it's just regurgitated cape shit. again. who the fuck is asking for these endless reboots? Except for room temperature iq studio execs.
I liked it.

Different pacing. More believable batman. Far differnt than the first Nolan: I remember the harbor fight scene trying to make sense of wtf was going on. In this, clear as day, amazing.

Its a different pace of movie, but one I appreciate, it really let you just sit in the grit of gotham.
It was really shitty. The plot was non-existent, it was way too long and the whole Bruce Wayne stuff from past movies wasn't there. I liked the action sequences and the new car was cool but fuck that movie was bad.
Its a different pace of movie, but one I appreciate, it really let you just sit in the grit of gotham.

This right here is a big part of it. You felt the pain, sorrow, desperation, darkness of that city. Almost felt like the city could be nuked and it would be a justified assisted suicide.
We watched it yeasterday and liked it. The Riddler was a real nutjob and a very bad guy unlike Jim Carrey's version who was a clown and not a good one at that. I liked the bat and catwoman was sweet. When she said the bat and the cat I rooted for them, but knew it would be impossible.
I thought it sucked.

And i cringed when they just HAD to get the "white male privilege" line in from cat woman. so irritating.