3 weeks of feeling like death on a stick

Its absolutely hilarious that you need to know a nurse to get data for COVID when its all published and easily accessible for everyone to read. This is just a funny post. A totally awkward flex.

keep deflecting, youve mastered it
keep deflecting, youve mastered it

I'm not deflecting at all. The data is fairly clear on vaccine efficacy and I'm always down to discuss numbers. I just find it absurd that you have to qualify your opinion in such a stupid and irrelevant manner.
The Daily Truth is being challenged

Unleash the NPC Skinjob Guard Regiments

Deploy with brain rot protocols, mald helmets, and reinforced chud armor

Use any projection weapons at your disposal

For the Collective

Calculon NPC shock troops are armored in virtue and have moral shields

very tough to crack those guys
In the middle of winter? Do you want dry skin? Because that's how you get dry skin.
do you think your actions saved their lives?

Quite possibly. We had an 80th birthday party a week later.

A friend of mine had it the week before, he had almost no symptoms, didn't get tested, hosted his dad's 90th birthday party, gave it to everyone there.
His dads funeral was last week, dead from covid.

So yeah, it does make a big difference knowing if you have covid or not.
Quite possibly. We had an 80th birthday party a week later.

A friend of mine had it the week before, he had almost no symptoms, didn't get tested, hosted his dad's 90th birthday party, gave it to everyone there.
His dads funeral was last week, dead from covid.

So yeah, it does make a big difference knowing if you have covid or not.
The false positive testing rate is fucking absurd though.

If you have symptoms, you are sick with something, avoid people. This has been common knowledge for a LONG FUCKING TIME. You don't need to get tested. The flu and cold can kill elderly as well.
Yes I did, as did my wife & daughter

Well, my wife's result never came back, they must have lost it. But safe to assume she had it too. She had the worst symptoms of all.

So PCR, not antigen... By the sounds of it