[USA] The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Has Begun

imagine simping for Kyle Rittenhouse

Imagine simping for these doods


some guy shows up from outta town brandishing n a bunch of townie scum hits the pavement. none of them deserve justice they deserve usa 2021. and ppl actually take sides in this baboon shit
That was my reaction. It's laughable that a minor travels across state lines with a firearm, intending to use it, gets into a situation to justify using it and then shoots multiple people, murdering two. AND walks away to wait his trial in freedom. Crazy world. Based on his behavior, he should be sentenced as an adult and get a few life sentences.

He didn't take a weapon across state lines and was not intending to use it, also he didn't murder anyone
The most entertaining part was Rittenhouses lawyer arguing that you can decapitate someone with a skateboard.
The worst part of decapitation is that you only have about 3 minutes before you suffer irreversible brain damage.
some guy shows up from outta town brandishing n a bunch of townie scum hits the pavement. none of them deserve justice they deserve usa 2021. and ppl actually take sides in this baboon shit

I mean the video is pretty obvious self defense... This isn't like the dumbass Alex Baldwin conjecture.
That was my reaction. It's laughable that a minor travels across state lines with a firearm, intending to use it, gets into a situation to justify using it and then shoots multiple people, murdering two. AND walks away to wait his trial in freedom. Crazy world. Based on his behavior, he should be sentenced as an adult and get a few life sentences.

Travels across state lines. LMAO
WTF do you even know about traveling across state lines? Half of Americans travel across state lines daily just to commute to work.

State lines is the talking point of a fucking retard. Especially since he didn't have possession of a firearm while crossing state lines. His friend bought the rifle for him in Wisconsina and was keeping it there for him till he turned 18.
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I mean the video is pretty obvious self defense... This isn't like the dumbass Alex Baldwin conjecture.

I don't know how people don't realize this.

I mean if they read the headlines, maybe, but watch the videos...
but guise, media sayz kyle crossed an imaginary line with a gun before he shot pedophile rapist criminals for assaulting him

And it was the prosecution opening statements which blew that media narrative apart :lol:
That's certainly one dumb way to look at it.

It's valid, but it's also obscenely retarded liberal logic.
Imagine being so bewildered by the idea that the state might fail to protect you to the degree that citizens would have to take security into their own hands, despite this idea playing out right in front of your eyes for almost an entire year.

Mush brain statists.