Media Consumption Diet

Last week or the week before, I watched 10 minutes of the La Palam volcano because, well, lava, I mean... duh. Anyways, ever since then, YT has not removed it from my front page. :lol:
If you ever even think about something, Facebook gives you 8000 ads about that thing
I read the other day that Salon uses more tracking cookies than any other news source, 23. So they're now blocked.
I just started watching the Colombian version of The View. Way more entertaining.

This is not really about habits you currently have, but rather how you have consciously changed your habits in regards to media.

I want to watch less political stuff on youtube because it's pushing all over content away. So I started using it under a different account, and just switch back when I want political content. Basically the algorithms have branched off into deep dives of autistic people talking about detailed LotR lore, and lonely single middle aged men talking about aquariums and keeping fish.

I've stopped using social media years ago. I need to make a new FB account for something but just wont engage with anything. I just need to see scheduled events for a group.

With news I consume most anything not mainstream for domestic news, think left wing and right wing media that is populist. CSPAN if I want to see a full speech ect. Everything else is censored. Al-Jezeera will openly talk about zionism in America and Europe so I give them a pass.

No Netflix. If there is a show you are interested in just torrent it like the old days. I was interested in Invincible since I read the comics, it's woke shit. Plus Netflix makes pedo movies. I'd only resubscribe at this point if they had an exclusive deal with Mel Gibson.

I listen to NPR every day since they are kind of an outlet of record for the left. It's changed so much! It's almost all women now. The old SNL skits of dry NPR narration are long gone.

I also tend not to text very much. If you never start texting a lot, no one really expects much of it from you. Really cuts down on the general noise in life. I find it distasteful if I can see someone text with super human speed. That means they text all day, probably has poor social skills and poor neck/mouth posture.
You're really fucking weird