Vanster vs TW

I ran a 51.5 second 400M.
Not bad for a farm kid in a small town.

I remember moving to the small country town. I walked down to the track practice. Introduced myself to the coach. I said, "Hey, what do I need to do to get on the track team?". He laughed and said "What do you do?"

I told him I was fast but liked to run distance as well.

He said "Do you think you can run around this track in 60 seconds or less?" (it was dirt lol)
I said "Sure".

He looked at me and said "Ok - let's see it"

I was in street clothes. No warm ups. He got out his stop watch and a whistle. He said "ready?"

I said "Yep!"

He said "Go".

58 seconds later I finished to a bunch of "Holy shit! He did its!"

I won conference and district races. Even got to go to states. But, I met the kids who can run the fucking thing in 57 seconds.

Now, how a person deals with that is a personal thing. For me, I used to count 4 seconds in my head. That was the difference between me and the fastest kids in the entire state. I was satisfied because I didn't leave anything on the table. Maybe I could have shaved off a tiny bit more time. But, I was never going to be the fastest. Good enough.

One more quick story about performance and striving for being "the best".

Switch gears to mountain climbing. I have climbed in some tough places in the alps. I have climbed with climbers who are recognized as being great. Am I great?

I can tell you what I was great at. Seconding.
I could get up a pitch and clean shit up faster than most people.
I was also fearless. Fun to be around. Mountain smart. Good mechanically. Knew my knots. Tireless.

Did I get picked because I was a "great climber"? Nope. But as a support guy, I was tough to beat. I did not care about trying to climb the route without "cheating". I was not that vain. It's tough. Fuck it. I am not going to waste 1/2 hour falling and retrying a move just because I don't want to touch protection. Fuck that. That's for the lead climber. Me? I am grabbing that piece "cheating" and getting past the thing that is beyond my ability.

The payoff? I got to climb some amazing routes and spend time in some awesome places that few people get to experience. Good enough for me.

Everyone should know their limits and accept them. The experiences and effort are far more valuable than the recognition of #1.
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I did not know this.
16' was my highest during practice, 15'6" highest cleared at track meets.

400 on the relay was around 50-51

A low 50 second lap would have you in charge for a tuition charge. Maybe not UTEP or UT, but certainly you could have run at Angelo.
You have my attention, pm me for other things at your convenience.
Vanster have a great memorial day with scrappy and don't do anything to harm yourself

I need to get more stories out of you brother
That is excellent time, and you might have won state in Wyoming.
Is there a reason you did not run in college?

Soccer for the first year in college and then moved to Europe.
Running was something that was just part of me from when I was little. Running, riding bikes all that outside stuff.
Also, which one of you 400m dudes didn't think about Luke Skywalker when you rounded that last turn and headed towards the finish?
hell, man my grandmother's quicker and tougher than you pansies

course she's 6'3 250
and runs a 4.5 40
Switzerland for 2.5 years. Then the UK for 1.5 years. I would like to go back that direction. I am thinking of heading to France for a bit.

Then - it's time to start setting up the final base camp. Possibly with a remote somewhere like Costa Rica or Ecuador. Tick tock ;)
Yeah. I feel the time is about right for me to start the planning in earnest. Just a quiet, safe place that I can retreat to so that I can finish off my years in peace and quiet. Probably spend some time elsewhere for parts of the year. I have always wanted to write. I miss puttering in a garden. Tending to some animals. I am warming up to the idea.
As things are, I'm considering giving Scrappy to a neighbour before eating a bullet, or just walking him every day until he lets go, and then doing it.

Fuck no.

Summertime is coming I'm pretty sure those sunny days will cheer you up.

Also if you're feeling like shit call the suicide prevention hotline and talk to someone. For real.
you know this is because he couldn't figure out how to put his phone number into discord right

why couldn't you have just given more specific instructions
All 31 or 32 people need sit sit around in a big circle and smoke the peace pipe. With such a circle it's good to have about 3-5 going at once, inside an enclosed area like an igloo teepee or basement. Once you can't see the other side of the circle from all the smoke you know the job is complete.
hey bro, you want to hear something crazy? in track in high school, i was 3rd leg in both the 400 and the 1600 meter relay because i was a fast motherfucker, and i won 1st in regionals two years in a row in pole vaulting.

crazy, right?

I won the Jr high science fair
if anyone wants to snuff themselves out

no one should infringe nor interfere with their Right to do so

it's their call to make, not yours
I'm curious if Vindster got the jab?
Doesn't sound very suicidal if he did...
or maybe he knows and just wants to go out with an embolism a year later