Convince me to vote Biden without mentioning Trump

In other words... you have nothing.

List up the dreadful things imposed by Trump or you are just another simpleton that has had his opinions shaped by the controlled media.

It's all been covered a billion times. Your eyes and ears are either open or not. Mine are.
Guys it's so simple and obvious and mentioned a million times that he won't repeat it. Duh
Bullshit. The lesser of two evils argument is good enough. "Anyone but Trump" is a valid voting option given the depth of the shit that's stacked up in his 4 years.

we should probly listen 2 mitch, word is he's an expert on shit removal :cool:
sry i wasn't keeping up w/ this thread b/c there was no cap'n tele

given the ~very limited time~ i spend here, i like my gaming news 2b hot and steamy so i cherry pick threads u kno
It's all been covered a billion times. Your eyes and ears are either open or not. Mine are.
Yours are what? You gave me an either or and then stated yours are. Because you appear to be incapable of giving me 1 example of a Trump policy that has had a direct negative affect on you, I am going to assume that your eyes and ears are, in fact, closed.
mitch is busy having his "hired help" move blocks into the shape of a pyramid but can come up with witty responses.
so let me get this straight he volunteered to join after he was too old and then they kicked him out for being too cool and that's worse than draft dodging ??