Here's some information about our lord and savior Bernie Sanders


Veteran XX
Dear America: Meet Bernie Sanders. Properly, This Time | Emil Mella

In the race to decide the next President of your arguably great nation, there is one candidate who has been drawing the largest crowds of any candidate visiting the key primary state of Iowa (including the Republican primary candidates, who probably estimate about 1 percent of the American population at this point). A candidate who out-fundraised Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul in any of their first 24 hours as candidates. A candidate whose policies align with the majority of Americans on everything from income inequality to money's role in politics to the minimum wage to federally financed political campaigning to abortion to overturning Citizens United to global warming and government taking action to combat it to the affordability of a college degree to gun control to government surveillance to passing a law legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states.

A candidate who was one of the thousands of Americans who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. in his historic March on Washington in 1963. A candidate who has served as a mayor (being one of the earliest proponents of a lot of the policies that are nowadays commonplace in municipal government), a congressman and a senator, with deep knowledge of the American political system and equally deep, authentic convictions that he has held onto for his entire political career.

There is also only one candidate who so far has been either ignored or ridiculed by the massive majority of the American media during his entire campaign. A candidate whose campaign kickoff had the most attendees of that of any candidate so far, and yet was mostly ignored by most media outlets, or relegated to a side-note about a general story on the race, while candidates like ex-Governor and current-who-are-you-supposed-to-be George Pataki got major coverage.

A candidate whose disproportionately tiny actual coverage includes headlines such as "Bernie Sanders for President? Why Not?" and flattering subtitles like "Why Sanders draws the crowds, excites the base, polls relatively well -- and still won't make much of an impact in 2016."

A candidate who straight-up got asked by Katie Couric whether he'd like to be Hillary Clinton's vice presidential candidate and who is constantly reminded that "success" would be pulling Clinton's campaign farther to the left on certain policies. I mean, come on.

That candidate's name is Bernie Sanders, and he could, and should, be the 45th President of the United States of America.

Sanders is polling better among the Democratic primary electorate than any candidate in the Republican electorate. That is a fact. He is drawing larger crowds than any other candidate in Iowa. Also a fact.

Hillary Clinton only beat him by 8 points in a recent Wisconsin Democratic Party straw poll. Fact.

His positions are not far-left or fringe; by the mere definitions of those terms, they cannot be if they are accepted by a majority of the American people. Fact.

So, why is the media ignoring and/or acting like a gang of grade school bullies about Bernie's campaign?

Don't make it about socialism either, now. FDR and Martin Luther King, Jr. both got called socialists in their day, so good luck arguing that it's a step in the wrong direction, Sanders just happens to use the label. A majority of Americans don't identify as libertarians, but the media is not treating Rand Paul like a fringe candidate. A majority of Americans don't identify as sympathizers of the Tea Party, but the media is not treating Ted Cruz like a fringe candidate. Also, one quick thing, he's a democratic socialist. There's a difference. One word. An entire word that references a completely different set of policies, a different set of foreign examples.

It is not the media's job to decide what the American people can and cannot hear. That is dishonesty, that is lying. It is the media's job to keep the American people informed. That's what it's there for, and doing anything else is simply abusing the trust millions and millions of Americans have for the current news media system.

Bernie in the Lion

Sanders made no effort to paper over the political divide between his vision of a just society and the values inculcated by a university that describes itself as “a Christian academic university” in the evangelical tradition. “I believe in a woman’s right to control her own body,” he began. “I believe in gay rights, and gay marriage.” The small but spirited contingent of Sanders supporters, some of whom had driven from Tennessee and West Virginia to be there, erupted in cheers. Sanders continued: “We disagree on those issues. I get that. But let me respectfully suggest that there are other issues out there that are of enormous consequence to our country and the world and that maybe, just maybe, we don’t disagree on them.”

But if his attacks on corporate greed, inequality, and the excessive power of the 1 percent mostly fell on stony soil—afterward a young woman told me “those people had to work hard to make that money” and that poor people “were part of God’s plan”—Sanders did find some common ground with his audience. When he said that racism was part of America’s past, but that today racism, racial discrimination, and racist attacks on foreigners or immigrants were “completely unacceptable in America,” the audience cheered.

“He has been sold the wrong way on the racism issue,” Susan Mead, a Sanders supporter from Lexington, Virginia, said afterward. “He really connected on that here—and I didn’t expect that at all.”

Iowa State Fair attendees pick Sanders over Clinton | TheHill
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the favored Democrat among Iowa State Fair attendees, according to results of an informal poll posted on the Iowa secretary of State website.

The poll shows Sanders leading Hillary Clinton 49 percent to 45 percent. Clinton opted not to speak at the Des Moines Register soapbox during her appearance at the fair, while Sanders spoke to a large crowd on Saturday.

While the two Democratic candidates received a little more than 1,000 votes total, Republican Donald Trump himself received 677 votes, outpacing Ben Carson, who had 470 votes, and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), who had just170 votes.

he aint using any PACs either

hillary is evil and just awful
And, last but most certainly not least, Hillary Clinton. The only "grassroots campaign" that has mounted campaign operations in all 50 states, uses the word "grassroots" so much it'll make your head spin, and runs a grotesquely overproduced Twitter feed. It's not that Hillary Clinton's turn towards progressive policies is at all bad, it's just that, well, if Bernie and his policies are juice, she's that weird, Dasani flavored water. She's the anti-hipster, admitting she's a fan once the band gets popular. It's not that most liberals (in fact, probably most Americans) wouldn't happily vote for Hillary Clinton in a presidential election, it's that she simply does not represent the values that she is now presenting. Her money is just not where her mouth is. Being a supporter of hers, it does pain me to say it. But come on.

She makes more off of a single speaking gig than most Americans do in an entire year, and yet claims to be a champion for a middle-class she cannot even pretend to truly understand. She wants to help get big money out of politics, and yet her campaign counts on a big fat Super PAC that hopes to raise $2 billion dollars, more than any candidate has ever raised, in history, in any nation, period. Heck, her list of Senate campaign contributors looks like a Wikipedia list of Wall Street banks and health care giants. Her local campaign "roundtable discussions" are made up of vetted, handpicked people from the communities she visits, with not a dissenting voice in sight. She is pro-surveillance in the name of safety, the majority of Americans aren't. She is considered untrustworthy by a majority of Americans. Do not be afraid to say Hillary Clinton is not the candidate for you because you don't want a Republican in the White House. Hillary Clinton is not the only option.
fucking WSJ
jesus christ
Of course, there’s only so much money that the government can realistically remove from the prison system. But say Mr. Sanders could take out $47 billion, the cost of the higher education bill he unveiled in May. Or say he found the money somewhere else — he proposed a financial transactions tax in the bill. Why would Mr. Sanders want to give any of those funds to the wealthy? Eliminating public college tuition makes it free for everyone, poor or rich, leaving less of that $47 billion to help low-income people who really struggle to pay for college, day care and other basic needs.

Mr. Sanders makes a similar misstep on the student debt “crisis.” He would drastically reduce the rate on new student loans and refinance existing loans on similarly generous terms. Yet plenty of college graduates go on to high-paying careers and do not need help with their loans. Federal education loan policy is already generous, given that students often have little to no credit history.

what in the actual fuck
hey like 10% of people get stuff working right for them! or maybe even 33% or 50%!
Fuck everyone else!
rich kids are such a tiny minority
what a fuckin

fuck man

fuck it delete thread america is done for fucking what the fuck
I don't think he will be able to do anything. He got slapped down by a couple black lives matter protesters. I think he'd bend to the will of special interests/lobbyists in a heartbeat.
i dont think he got slapped down
i think he didnt want to stoke more black anger so just left instead
he knew how the country felt, still feels.
all the anger boils over
dude was marching with MLK man
maybe you turds will read this at least
Sanders then took aim at Republicans in Congress, who he argued have done little to try and protect vulnerable children, citing cuts to programs that offer financial assistance to low-income pregnant women and mothers.

“When you talk about issues of children, understand the Republican budget threw 27 million people off of health care, including many children, at a time when many families cannot afford to send their kids to college,” he said, according to Raw Story.

“To add insult to injury in that budget, the Republicans provided over $250 billion over a 10-year period in tax breaks to the top two-tenths of 1 percent,” Sanders said. “I don’t think that is a moral budget.”
The so-called "Liberal Media" doesn't like Bernie plain and simple. They are all ultimately owned by the mega corporations he constantly rails against. He will be the Ross Perot or John Anderson of our time. I'm still not voting for HillDawg if you put a goddamn gun to my head. And I wouldn't vote Repug if you put a goddamn gun to my head either.
the occupy protesters were all people with nothing to lose really

too bad they didn't fucking kill a bunch of people there
is naptown mad he exists on the whims of his parents trust fund?

the only debt i have is in land ownership

you wouldnt have the right to do fucking shit 300 years ago you stupid peasant
anyway at the very least
watch the fucking video
or skip to what he plans to do about it about 6 minutes in
actually dont skip
the set up makes reality painful

anyone voting for the status quo is voting for a bullet to the face
Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’s Proposals: $18 Trillion

Democratic presidential candidate’s agenda would greatly expand government

WASHINGTON—Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose liberal call to action has propelled his long-shot presidential campaign, is proposing an array of new programs that would amount to the largest peacetime expansion of government in modern American history.

In all, he backs at least $18 trillion in new spending over a decade, according to a tally by The Wall Street Journal, a sum that alarms conservatives and gives even many Democrats pause. Mr. Sanders sees the money as going to essential government services at a time of increasing strain on the middle class.

His agenda includes an estimated $15 trillion for a government-run health-care program that covers every American, plus large sums to rebuild roads and bridges, expand Social Security and make tuition free at public colleges.

To pay for it, Mr. Sanders, a Vermont independent running for the Democratic nomination, has so far detailed tax increases that could bring in as much as $6.5 trillion over 10 years, according to his staff.

