[Official] New League of Legends MEGATHREAD

There is a reason this game is freedom

Yeah and even if I asked to be on it, I'm still no there.

Fusoyen is my summoner name and I hang in TW chan when logged.
if you're serious, answer is a no. Passive may be a proc based on attack speed, but Diana is a burst assassin. You will not get many auto attacks in. Either build Athene's and get every blue for the CDR, or just go all in Abyssal -> Deathcap

The passive is useful for wave clear and/or jungling.

I don't own her yet on live, but the build I've used on PBE was sorc boots & 2x dorans into deathcap, then from there abyssal & zhonya's for tankiness + dmg. I played around a bit with a few items and found that void staff, lich bane, rylais, and nashors all seemed to go fairly well with diana. That was on pbe though, where most players suck.
i wouldn't go with nashors nor rylais. the 2s slow from your E is enough to land another Q -> R combo. You'll get 1 proc from your passive at most. If you're in there too long, chances are you're going to die anyway.

and isn't lichbane different on the PBE now?
There are many changes coming to the league of legends in the near future. It is possible that may be one.
rurourni- no idea. I haven't even tried to log into pbe since the new jungle/shop were added. I heard the wait to log in is ridiculous.