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  1. D

    Need funny Pick-up lines

    my friend is writing a paper for extra credit on human mating rituals or some bullshit thing like that, and she needs 10 best pickup lines or something. I know you guys know a ton. Here are some I got so far: - "That shirt is very becoming on you....of course if I were on you i'd be cumming...
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    Need Snowboarders' advice on board size!

    Hey guy, I want to get into snowboarding and want to get a board, but I dont know wtf size and shit I should get. All of my snowboarding friends are they arent much help. I want a board which is good for freestyle and just riding, im 6', ~165lbs, and 11.5 feet. I dont know what...
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    [BUG] Alternative skins showing up on wrong models

    If you go into your load out, save it with an alternative skin selected, then use that loadout through the quick loadouts when you are on another team, you get this: As you can see this happened with both my skin and an alternative skin from IG. It seems like a design flaw with the way the...
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    [RELEASE!] dunce_boy's Pilot Skin

    I think by this time everyone knows what my pilot skin is, but incase you have forgotten: Ingame shots: sry the quality of the ingame shots suck...remember that I lost the contest so I dont got a nice video card to run TV in. :p To install: Unzip DunceSkins.pkg to \Content\Skins\ Unzip...
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    [Feedback] A Light BB shouldnt kill another Light

    Something i've been noticing a lot lately is the amount of damnage you take from a body block. As a light I often die from another light BBing me. If im going 180-220 and another light is just standing on the flag I dont thing I should die. He should be pushed back a ton and my health should...
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    [BUG] Enemy name appears green in stolen vehicles

    If an enemy steals one of your vehicles, their name will appear green while inside that vehicle. This happens both if your sensor is up or down. The health of the vehicle will show up red though. Recreating this bug should be pretty self explanatory. :) The server was running Fuel when I...
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    [Feedback] Death Hud....option to turn it off/on?

    Im suprised I havent seen a thread about this yet, but I've talked with a few people about this and not many actually like the seperate death hud. Im sure there are a bunch who do though. I'd like to see what everyone's opinion on it is, and whether you guys like it how it is or would like to...
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    [Map Feedback] Map imbalances.

    Ok, this is to discuss some imbalances among the current maps. These are just a couple that I noticed... Isle Flag Stands: If you compare the two flag stands you'll notice that the BE flag stand has a little trim around it. If you've been capping you've probablly noticed that this trim...
  9. D

    Where are the female models?!

    First pass of all player models eh? Havent seen any female models though :( Are female models that are going to be available in multiplayer? or is it just going to be julia for single player and thats it? i'd like to see some light, med, and heavy females :) yes yes
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    Will you be able to shoot at dead bodies in T:V?

    I know that in UT2k3 you can shoot at the bodies on the ground and have them flop a little before they disapear. After watching "The Stand" video that was released on TW today, there was this one part where the player died and was flipping through the air, and I was just thinking that it would...
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    T:V.... how are vehicle bays going to work?

    I remember thrax saying something like, "vehicles will be there and you can just get in 'em" or something like that, like BF1942. Well, with the addition of these new SSs, this one in particular, large version here it brings up new questions regardings vehicles and the vehicle bay... We see...
  12. D

    [T2 Skin Release(finally)] duncy female skin set

    well well well....dunce_boy actually does skinning? get outta here! I finally got some free time(yay for 3day weekends) and got off my lazy ass....or rather stayed on my lazy ass, and did some skinning. I started this skin set as a personal project. Did most of the light, then let it sit around...