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    Epic Koala v Crow battle

    Pictured: The crows that attacked a koala bear for straying too close to their nest | Mail Online Rude awakening: The koala's snooze is brought to an abrupt end by the pecking of swooping crows Fight back: The marsupial takes a swipe at the bird with its sharp claws Preparing for take-off...
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    Think its the end for my dog

    Latest update: Hes still alive and back home :D Hes still a little sick but doing much better now. Vet thinks it is liver degeneration (being treated with antibiotics) or worse case he has a tumor. Going to see if he recovers on the antibiotics before worrying about getting an ultra sound to...
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    [Petition] New Picard Smilie

    WTF is this shit? Someone made this yesterday, forget who. Add imo. I do not know what the :name: should be.
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    Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter is dead.

    Confirmed, his body is being flown to Cairns. His wife has yet to be informed:,21985,20349890-5005961,00.html The breaking sources:,23739,20349534-952,00.html...
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    My dog has cancer :'(

    I'm really upset right now. He had cancer about 4 years ago but they operated on him and cut it out. We found out tonight that it is back. The vet hasn't determined whether they can operate yet. They suspect that the operation may leave him unable to control his bodily functions and lead to a...
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    Holy shit, zombie vulcans!!?!

    So i was watching Enterprise series 3 and this episode comes on that has a scary ship with crazy vulcan zombies trying to kill them. Original? No. Awesome? FUCK YES!
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    I saved The Danes from the muslims

    ... in Medieval TW Started off with one territory (denmark) and quickly took Sweden. Normally when you play as The Danes you get hemmed in by the Germans, but I was lucky because the german territory blocking me off from the rest of europe revolted... so I could take it and start expanding...
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    Aurelius - Kind Of Like Water

    Was cleaning out my mp3 folder and I found this song again. Its great, which TW guys band was it?
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    Music program?

    Whats a good music program that can generate decent sounding instruments? After something to do strings / brass etc.
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    [t2] anyone got RaceMod server files?

    I need them, cant find anywhere to download it anymore.
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    My new bands first song.

    My first song with my new band Flisk Unfortunately I didnt have access to a studio this time round, so this was all recorded in my lounge room with home recording gear. Personally I am really happy with it... but lets see what tw thinks of it...
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    Trying to find videos of a guy playing game music

    I think his name was "House" or some shit and he played 2 video game songs. Anyone know where I can find the vids?
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    Just saw Starship Troopers 2...

    for the first time seriously wtf was that? Did they have a $5 budget or something... It almost like it was a fan film :S? At the start its just like a bunch of people in a dark studio filled with smoke pretending to shoot stuff :-|
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    [NWS] Adventures with Barby

    lmao NWS:
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    [PICS] Santa attacked by evil beast!

    Say hello to my dog shadow with his new christmas toy. Playing with my new digital camera: Shadow with his new toy he got for christmas (held by my brother): Here's Mum giving him a smacko! Back outside for a tug-o-war Me and shadow (I'm the one on the left!)...
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    [BAD SINGING]My Rock music Christmas Carol adventure

    I went to a christmas party tonight, and when I got home I was gripped by the christmas spirit. I started off playing (guitar) + singing christmas carols but that got boring fast, so in my drunken state I came up with a great idea.... PLAY AWAY IN A MANGER TO THE TUNE OF THE OFFSPRING - SELF...
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    Post your DOW custom ARMY

    Well folks, lets see what you people have done with the army painter. Post screenshots of your bad ass army! For those of you who dont know how to make custom badges, see here: Here is my army, Skull Squadron. Based off the most elite and...
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    Miss Universe looses her dress

    Miss Universe was doing a promotional thingo at a shopping centre here in Sydney Aus. Shes walking down the catwalk when she steps on her dress thingy and the whole thing comes off. Was all over the news here, gold. Screen caps: Avi: (this should be faster)...
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    100 page thread

    1 page thread Begin: