Search results

  1. D

    [Vote] for my kid's school and TW gets a Benjamin

    Another vote thread yes yes. My kid's school gets new playground equipment if they finish in the top 2. They are currently in 4th place. If TW can get them into the top 2 I will donate $100 to our beloved Tribalwar site. To vote, simply click on this web site Think. Serve. Shine. Connect...
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    Best interview ever

    4Y7i1ASCS5o freight car riders know...
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    Fail instructional video

    MSN Entertainment - Dude tries to explain electrostatic testing
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    [BION] Olympic Hooker Edition

    Suzy favor hamilton News, Video and Gossip - Deadspin $600 an hour for Escort Suzy Favor Hamilton or $6k for 24 hours. 44 yr old middle distance runner worth $600?
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    [Books] 50 shades of Grey

    So. Anyone with a girlfriend or wife needs to get them to read this 3 book series. It is like twilight type stuff where it's from the girl's POV and all gushy like that except for one major difference. Its essentially porn. Its got Dom and submissive, anal plugs, tied up, and non stop sex...
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    Question on Class groups

    So I played beta but just to get the basic feel of the classes not very far in. I have a couple questions if a good soul wouldn't mind answering. If I play a BH and a buddy plays a Sith War how far in before we can quest together in the same zone? If you know how we get to the other zone if...
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    [So] Books

    I end up traveling a bunch for work and gets lots of use out of my kindle. I'm wondering what books/series etc.. the fine, upstanding posters of tribal war have read recently and recommend for reading? I enjoy books in a series or from the same author as long as they don't seem...
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    [WWIII] Mexico Invades U.S. soil

    ¿Dónde está el GPS? 33 Mexican soldiers accidentally invade Texas - On Deadline - yes i used google translate
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    NCAA 12 Rosters

    For anyone who plays NCAA 12 the rosters are starting to trickle out. Typically I've found that FAIRDALE KINGS produces the best ones for xbox360 but his are not quite done. I can update when it is. In the meantime, there are some ones that are complete - Gamertags to download from: XBOX...
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    $10 paypal to whoever can find me this Purse/Handbag

    ok. $10 paypal will be paid to the first person who can find me the purse this chick is wearing on this clip of General Hospital. My wife watches the show (yes i know a soap opera) and really loved this purse. I can't find it after looking but would like to still try to find it for her...
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    Today's Google Doodle

    Is a Les Paul tribute. The doodle itself is a guitar and has a little record button you can record with, save, and then link. Once you hit record you can press the # keys to strum different cords to make a tune. Kinda cool. Here's a decent one someone posted. Google
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    Pvp afk bots

    I know these still work as i see ppl doing this non-stop. I'm thinking of leveling an alliance alt on a diff account and just botting a full pvp set. Anyone know of one that still works and is good? Thanks in advance.
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    Pre-Install Cata without purchasing digital upgrade

    For those that are not purchasing the digital upgrade(collector's, etc..) but don't want to wait for the CDs to install, here are steps to install the expansion as if you were a digital upgrade purchaser. 1) Make sure World of Warcraft and/or the launcher and background downloader are...
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    Justin Bieber doesn't take any shit

    from 12 yr olds in a Laser Tag arcade. Let that be a lesson to any other middle schoolers who get fucking mouthy. Justin Bieber Under Investigation for Assaulting 12-Year-Old? | Story | Wonderwall
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    Windows media extender crapped out

    So i had my PC and xbox all linked up and loving life. Today it just basically stopped working with the xbox not being able to find the PC on the network. I've removed the extender from the PC and turned it off on the xbox and now it just says it cannot be completed in the setup and i'm stuck...
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    Does Pirox afk still work?

    has anyone been using this and still up and working? I've noticed a bunch of ppl afk in AV still running into walls and randomly casting still...
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    Help my niece's school[Vote site]

    Basically my 2 nieces' Elementary school has a finalist in the doodle for google contest. Winner gets $10k scholarship, but more importantly the winning school gets a $25,000 technology lab from Google. I'm asking anyone who can take 2 mins to go here and vote for their school's entry...
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    WTB [H] PVP Warlock

    Any lock level 60 or higher. Must be horde, on a pvp US server with the transfer up. Prefer male undead/orc but it doesn't really matter. Uber gear isn't a priority. Must be original owner and a vet or above and knowing someone I know would be nice. PM me or post here.
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    For Sale: 70 [H] Warrior PvP server

    Account is no longer for sale. Thanks for the offers from the 3 ppl who PM'd. I just really thought about it and don't wanna part with this account. I hate paying for 2 accounts, but o well.
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    Gladiator Warrior

    Whats a warrior in all gladiator gear go for these days? like 3 s2, 1 s1 and 1 s3, plus s2 throwing and s2 mace? all epic honor pieces too just curious since i seem to find warriors get the most $