Search results

  1. T

    The Big Happy Political Misquote Thread

    This thread is for misquotes. They happen on both sides, and they are annoying and a tremendous disservice to the public. If your candidate has been misquoted by the other side, correct it here.
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    Always high prices. Always.

    Wal-Mart costs taxpayers over $400,000 per store per year. The full report can be found here. With over 2500 Wal-Mart stores nation wide that rounds out to $1,068,625,000 per year in employee subsidies that come from your pockets to keep Wal-Mart up and running with those great low prices. If...
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    Search War: Google, Snap, A9, Clusty

    Note: I searched for Clusty and A9 before posting this. (Google and Snap are everywhere). Looks like the search engine war is heating up again: - the reigning champion. - Amazon enters the search ring? - Ugly interface, great filtering. -...
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    I'm tired. I need a rest.

    A little over Three years ago Marweas and I hatched a devious plan to bring the Tribes Franchise back from the dead. With the help of the community and Garage games we patched T2; we finished Tribes: Aerial Assault which had languished under eight previous producers; and we kicked off Tribes...
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    The Big T:V Downloads Thread

    Any admin can add items to this list. ________________________________________ Littlex's query class This gives webadmins the ability to Query t:v servers via PHP and sockets without the need of Qstat. Download here: Example:
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    This poll has only one function: To decide if my keeping the Shocklance out of T:V indicates that I am an autocratic ass, or that I am a bellwether of gaming society. Vote away.
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    [T:V] Official Red Box

    The color of the above box is red.
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    What OS are you running

    What revision of what operating system are you currently running?
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    Download Problems? Look Here

    For those of you who've finished downloading and have a corrupt file, I've built some PAR2 files that you can use to repair the download without having to pull down another 450 MB. To do this you'll need to use a PAR2 utility (I suggest QuickPAR): QuickPAR PAR2 Utility And download the PAR2...
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    To all the beta testers out there, Thank you for all the bugs you're finding. We really appreciate it. If I could figure out a way to get VUG to pay for it, I'd send you all a beer (except for BadMoFo, who I'd send a 55 gallon drum full of Tequila). Keep it up, we're in the home stretch!
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    Official Skin Contest Winner

    We have a winner: Goldcamo This skin made our dev team all tingly. But not quite tingly enough to make it into the game. Still, it's the winner so all hail the Goldcamo!
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    Hook Ammo Poll

    Hook Ammo or not?
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    CLOSED BETA Information

    This is just a quick note to let everybody know what closed beta is all about, and what you can, and can't expect to see happen. Closed beta is simply a small link from "no beta" to the "open beta". We're using it to iron out major issues, and get the game to the level of stability required...
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    BETA Registration Info

    DO: Use IE to register. It's required. If you don't you won't get in. DO NOT: Register from work. We will use the system specs collected to decide who gets in, and if you have a 16MB video card, you won't get in. DO NOT: PM me asking if I can get you in. Of course I can, I'm just not going to...
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    TW Owned by IGA

    How surprised were you that the T:V Dev team spanked the TW team at E3.
  17. T, RIP

    The fine folks over at have closed their doors with the above as their last loving words. I think we can see that the ultimate cause of their demise was grammar and spelling (which certainly marks my impending doom as well).Vivendi, not vivedi Cesspool, not cess pool To, not too And...
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    4th Pack

    I haven't seen anybody mention the 4th pack. Did it make it into the article?
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    Euro's talk game types
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    Ban Please

    Colosus, I'm tired. Please ban everybody. Be sure to ban yourself last. Thank you.