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  1. B


    lol Is anyone that I played Tribes with still out there? Does anyone have a copy of "reet shots" I can get? I've lost all my old data. :(
  2. B

    Just thought I'd stop in for my yearly visit and say...

    ... this place is fucking depressing! Last time I was here was February 2006 and I thought it couldn't get any more decayed then! In other news, if I ever get around to it, I'll try to put all of the Tribes-related material I've downloaded onto some P2P service, probably gnutella. It would be...
  3. B

    Releases on gnutella

    I've decided to place every release I download on the gnutella network, starting with my first Tribes video (r33t_shots) and a multitude of other old files. So if you seek a file, check there if the link no longer works. I probably won't be renaming files with keywords either, so you'll have to...
  4. B

    [T1 Release] Canonical Film Script

    Once again proving that I shouldn't name things, here's the semi-final version of film.cs. Follow the link for a description and the changes since it was pasted to the end of some other thread.
  5. B

    Potential T1 mod. Comments requested.

    Here's a complete list of modifications I've made to base T1. My question is: Would you play this? I'm willing to compromise on some points, such as the repair pack's autorepair rate, the server-controled kit use, and turret speed increases. The shielding on the stations and solar panels is...