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  1. N

    For T2 Fans - R vs. IA, Vid at Last

    T2TV - RvsIA - Surreal- Nordramor.avi - I finally managed to get around to doing a capture of my old Tribes 2 T2TV cast of Rapture vs. Invictus Aeternum onSurreal. This was probably the greatest Tribes 2 Classic match every played, and one of the best Tribes 2 matches ever...
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    Section 8 - First Teaser Up

    A new FPS in development. Being shown at Gamecock's pre-E3 event: Game Informer Link Some concept art on the front page as well showing off a different armor. We shall see.
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    Lefties: FPS Controls?

    So I'm doing some reasearch on FPS control schemes, and the question has come up of left-handed users and FPS controls. Any of the TW lefties care to share their FPS control scheme? What are your common keybinds in a world dominated by right-handed default keyboard schemes?
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    T:V Server Usage Stats?

    Can anyone provide some basic usage statistics for a Tribes Vengeance server? For example: What kind of machine does it take to run a T:V 20 player server (average). Can you run multiple instances on the same box, or is it just 1 instance per box? How much network traffic does each player...
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    C22 vs. 5150, Shoutcast, DL Link Enjoy!
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    [T:V Request] OBS Hud

    Any chance someone could put together an improved observer HUD? The current one is buggy and lacks functionality. Casters need: 1. Ability to instantly go to either flag, whether it's in the field or on the stand. 2. Ability to go to free-fly mode instantly. 3. Faster free-fly mode...
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    Catch 22 vs. Team 5150, Feb 2, Shoutcast!

    Wednesday, February 2nd, 10 PM EST Catch 22 defends it's #1 spot on the TWL Tribes Vengeance ladder from Team 5150. Maps are: Tropics Isle Cavern Tune in to TsN as Nordramor emerges to cover the competition. With boths teams currently undefeated, who will emerge as the undisputed leader of...
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    New T:V Demo

    A new T:V demo is out. Anyone check it to see if there are any updates/improvements that hint at changes for the upcoming patch?
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    Thunderlord Central Server - Horde PvP

    In light of Mal'Ganis being down for 2+ days, I and a few Horde PvP'ers are taking this opportunity to move to Thunderlord PvP Central.
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    Shield Pack Active Effect: UNBALANCED

    The Shield Pack's active effect is not balanced. The largest problem is Shield Pack Cappers. There is almost nothing you can do, short of a body-block or direct MA, that will stop a Shield Pack capper who turns on the active effect before he hits the flagstand. Most maps only have a few...
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    Remove Winterlake from Competition Rotation

    TAU has played Winterlake now in numerous scrims and a match. There is no reasonable way to break a Phoenix turtle on the map. An intelligent team can craft a nigh unbreakable turtle for Phoenix. It's not a fun map. If Phoenix gets the flag and wants to force a turtle, they will. Imperial...
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    [BUG] Demos are Unreliable

    I have now recorded several scrim demos, to test how the demos truely hold up in retail under stress. Results are dissapointing. Out of 6 scrim demos, at least 3 of them break early during the scrim and are worthless (haven't watched them all through yet). One demo crashes several minutes in...
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    T:V Netcode/Servers - The Death of Competition

    After a few scrims in tourney mode in T:V retail, it is looking more and more like the server netcode problems from beta/demo were not really fixed. On almost every server we have scrimmed on, at least a handful of our team's players have experienced severe latency/server issues. These range...
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    T:V - Day One Issues

    1. Observer Support Observer support is lackluster at best. If there are additional observer controls buried somewhere, please share with the rest of us. T:V's crippled observer functions will greatly limit the quality of shoutcasting. 2. Demos (Recordings) Are there any demo controls...
  15. N

    [REQUEST] Observer HUD

    T:V's native observer functions are woefully ill-equipped for good shoutcasting. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could script a decent observer hud similiar to T1/T2. Functions: 1. Switch between player lock and free-roam modes with a button. 2. Follow flag/capper from Team 1, or...
  16. N

    [Feedback] Winterlake = Turtle Prone

    Winterlike, while a mostly fun map, has bad base design for a CTF map. This is especially true on the Phoenix side. A leading team can easily hide their cappers in their base with little chance of allowing the enemy to return it. The defenders can exit the base via the rear force-field...
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    [T:V] Shorten Vehicle Spawn Times

    The vehicle spawn timers in T:V seem far to high. 1.5 minutes for a single Pod? 3 minutes for a Jump Tank? It's kinda hard to develop any skill or tactics in a vehicle when it only spawns a few times per map, and then isn't even on some maps. It's even lamer in pubs. Joe pub newbie can just...
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    Nordy's E3 T:V Review

    Got a chance to play T:V at E3 for 1 - 2 hours over a couple intervals. GAMEPLAY: Maps are small. Or, at least, they felt small. Even Dangerous Crossing and Stonehenge felt larger than either of the two maps that were available. Cap limits were either unlimited, or huge, because we had 10+...
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    Grenades and Mines, The Unsung Heroes of Tribes

    Let's face it, every first person shooter has a disk launcher or equivalent weapon. Every first person shooter also has a chaingun or sniper rifle equivalent. What most first person shooters lack, however, is a good system for grenades and mines. Why are grenades and mines so special in...
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    Rise of Nations: 3 Hour Review

    Rise of Nations, it's a new RTS from Big Huge Games. If you've ever played the game Empire Earth, or Age of Kings, or Civilization 3, you're recognize a lot of stuff in RoN. It's gotten some good reviews lately... Which are undeserved. Graphics and Sound are average; functional but nothing...