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    TW A websitre that fat people post on

    So i've been thinking lkatelkyt why you all so fat? ' Not phat as in cool but fat as in obeese obesity is without question a problem in america and you are all from tehre so why do you insist on so many burgers? not just down your throa tbut up your ass? dont question me poop truck
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    Where is ol :drool: DWEASEL?! Motha fuckin guy is probably being inseminated by a platypus. :psyduck: Wherever are you my dear dweasel i've been waiting for you i have a special surprise for you its resting right here in the palm of my hand :leek: YOU CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!
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    You can't deny yourself when you spawn into Scarabrea. The floating bases make you horny. You're suspended in the air on the floating base and it makes you want to pull off your pants. But the daimond sword are nearby and you need to kill them before you jack off. So you go to the vehicle...
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    i see many

    many ppl playing tribe but they do not know how 2 ski 2 ski u must press space bar over and over again not use script script 4 noobs 2 play tribe with then bam a pool stick runs through your chest and you die you die while trying 2 live and then it over blood on the floor shitting...
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    Thinking Mans FPS

    :Hmm: This guy play MWO cuz he like to think also has get otu i dont want you reading my threads anymore and stay out no use fucking the cow to the limit :bandit: :dapimp:
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    Was 2good really too good at tribes?

    Whats this guy sayin about himself "2good @ tribes" :eek: is he some kinda narcissist ?
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    where is darkpiece

    where is darkpiece i want to throw a pie in his face :fight:
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    Y Tribe Talk not cute n e more???

    tribe talk not cute n e more in 2012 tribe talk pretty cute in 2014 tribe talk turned into "qt" and now 2023 its "???" but as cynide say: tribe very cyclical I suspect it will be cute again not qt or ??? because we ready 2 ask your father why he is listening to new age and get...
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    IM some crazy cute fox

    except imma dragon :weird:
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    lemon and plasmatic

    does anyone kno what these weird foos up to? plasmatic plans the plasdemic by making everyone play his mod: anihlation and lemon doesnt want to play lemon would rather eat lemons than play the mod so now i am wondering why you would bother making this thread so why are you reading it...
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    Neolight's at it again...

    fuck that trans furry loser I bet he's probably a pedo too :spineyes:
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    Excerpt from my webcomic (work in progress)

    Hey everyone, i've been working on a graphic novel called Tales of Anima. Its about a game developer dude who falls into a portal to a world ruled by anthropomorphic animals and is turned into a female dragon. She tries to get back home and regain her human form but finds that it is impossible...
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    My Kitchen Art Battlestation

    tribe box included :flag:
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    Happy Holidays

    This image brought to you by the cing cing stands for good health promotion
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    Someone's gonna get... HURT!

    Someone's gonna get HURT! and I know it because I live with people in my mind they don't know anything about how awful transhumanism is because its more than awful, its disgusting it will destroy us if we allow people to innovate in that space. Yes you can cure the blind and the deaf...
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    maybe im tricky

    you might get tricked if im a dragon fox and i am because thats what my sona is part fox part dragon and all.... INTERESTING thats right what I can say will astound and amaze you just like the following statement: "You aren't as cool as you think, you're cooler!" Aren't you astounded...
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    are you excited

    why are they laughing and what are they laughing at? you think you can touch me? talk about me? well ill talk about this then You aren't the only one with a brain injury I dont have one but maybe you know others that do take a look around and see the world for what it really is bunch...
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    now thats what i call collabration

    Become the fox and be one with the collabration of ur inner death wish One person says to another: "You're ugly and i hate you" but do you really need to get your panties in a bunch over that? Take a look around and discuss with your team: The CEO Pikachu of riot games coming to put and...
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    the plastmatic pandemic 2

    plasmatic wants everyone to play his mod tribes so he's making a pandemic: you have to play annhailiation or die from a disease and anhilation is the only cure new starsiege raiders game coming out and plasmatic is pretty miffed! "how will I get people to play my mod if everyone is going...
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    cute little dragon

    plasmatic thinks i'm a "cute little dragon" but does that really mean he's right? plasmatic wants to cause the plasdemic by forcing everyone to play his mod: annhilation but he wont be able 2 cuz no 1 plays tribe next time u make a mod make 1 for a god game like quake \ then u be ownin...