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    [SKYFALL] Just caught the opening day midnight showing...

    And it was awesome. The last two were shit burgers in comparison. This one finally does what the last two didn't quite achieve and finally re-invents Bond properly, bringing the status quo back to how it was in the beginning. Absolutely brilliant. Minor spoiler: Yes, this car is in it.
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    [Steam] Sleeping Dogs 50% off

    Worth getting? I was busy when it was released, but it looked pretty good.
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    Tech demo from Quantic Dream (The guys who made Heavy Rain)

    Looks seriously awesome. I hope they actually make a new game from this. xpdvrUnTP_A
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    [Another iphone thread] Is there an app...

    Is there an app or a tweak that allows you to view your own contact details and send them quickly? I'm talking number, email and home address etc. And yes, I'm aware you can just put it all in your normal contacts list. But I'm looking for something better.
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    [Golf Advice] Swinging

    At the top of your backswing, make sure the shaft of your club doesn't go past horizontal or you're overswinging. It should be parallel with your shoulders and also inline with your right shoulder. Your swing should be in one smooth motion, don't try to swing down too fast. Also, keep your feet...
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    Watchmen trailer

    Watchmen Trailer - Trailer Addict I just came.
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    [Street Fighter] + Salsa?

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    [so] I was drinking with a friend last night...

    And she tells me she used to date Mark Frohnmayer. She says he's really cool, but a total hippy. Weird. Oh, and the guy's totally loaded too.
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    So a homeless chick spat on me.

    I got pretty wasted last night due to graduation celebrations. I only have a vague recollection of this, but some homeless chick comes up to us outside McDonalds and asks for money. I refuse to give her any and demand a blowjob for "all the money i've given her in the past" (Though I'm not sure...
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    [Comics]Infinite crisis

    So Superboy prime is the big bad of this series. Didn't see that one coming. He looks fucking stupid.
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    java help

    norty's stuff was simple. This gets a bit more involved. Ok, so i have an arraylist that contains references to two different types of object. Both of these objects extend from the same superclass. My question is, if i use casting while traversing the arraylist, can i cast each reference as the...
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    Splinter Cell 4 trailer

    OFN? Obviously it's designed to make it look a lot cooler than it probably will be, but still... It gave me wood.
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    Smoking ban in UK

    Parliament just voted on a total smoking ban from all licensed premises in England. No more smoke with my pint. Tis a sad day.
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    Who would win a fight?

    Jack Bauer vs. John McClane Facts: Both rock at killing terrorists. Both saved the world in one day on more than one occassion. Both love shooting people. I honestly can't pick a winner.
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    Kurayami thread discussion

    Every thread that has Kurayami in the title automatically becomes at least 5 pagers. Can someone explain this phenomenon? Discuss.
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    [help]Finding contact info

    I need to find a US phone number with just a name and vague idea of where said person lives. How do i achieve this? PS. I live outside the US.
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    [ofn?]Backstroke of the west DO NOT WANT!
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    Clarkson tries to destroy a car...

    ... and fails. Toughest fucking car in the universe.
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    In memory of 9/11 [NWS]

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    [vid request]American Idol audition

    There was a video a while back circulating with this asian kid who sang that New Kids on the Block song You got it(The right stuff) really REALLY badly then arguing with Simon about how "awesome" he thought his performance was. Anyone happen to have the video or a link? kthxbye. Obig hot chick: