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  1. C

    I am wrong, I love America, Trump and Juggs

    My Dearest USA, In the grand tapestry of nations, you stand as a symbol of resilience, freedom, and diversity. As the stars and stripes flutter in the wind, so does the spirit of a people bound by shared dreams and aspirations. Through the ebb and flow of history, your journey has been...
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    [NZ] mosque shooting

    :ofn: but no one else posted it Fatal Shooting at Christchurch Mosque "Sources say nine people have been confirmed dead following the shootings at the Masjid Al Noor" I read that one of the attackers live streamed it ;o wild
  3. C

    Merry Christmas fellow Rappers

    Merry Christmas fellow Rappers Forum trolls and keyboard tappers Hackers, noobs, mods and mappers 'Tis the season of goodwill, stop your reeing and just chill After all this time, we're here still, stuck here on this fucking hill We can't get off, we've become dependent On our online First...
  4. C

    [PC] Mutant Football League - TW games?

    OK, we all said we wanted it (and Mutant Hockey League :hurry: ) and lo, it is here! GdTh5_3hNEc actually, I think it's been out for a while, but I only just got around to grabbing it from the 'store' you guys who are gamers and football fans should get it. It's fun and violent and crazy...
  5. C

    [So] at least I know my son isn't gay...

    little dude turns 7 tomorrow just got home from work and he was sitting in my nerd room watching YouTube - he likes to watch speedruns of Mario games, and there is this other YouTube guy who does lots of kid friendly Nintendo vids who he is a fan of too anyway, me and my girl have been talking...
  6. C

    [YouTube] 2 minute vid explaining in great detail why I enjoy Midair

    disclaimer: I was never in 5150 and only started playing this game on Saturday ;d B4rtYu8x3PM shoutout to DOX of DOX maps fame and other aussie tribes crew :cool:
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    Proud gamer dad

    This isn't that big of a deal, but I feel like you guys will understand my glee more than people on fucking Facebook or whatever... My little boy Owen has been near-obsessively playing and talking about Splatoon 2 on the Nintendo Switch recently. I bought it for myself and didn't really think...
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    [PC game] Into the Breach, from creators of FTL

    this looks extremely tight and also dope 3w67PcNhoWQ unlocks in about 4 hours
  9. C

    [PS4] Monster Hunter World

    after 5 mins I was like wtf. game is sick if you like Dark Souls et al this might push some of the same buttons for you el_coombzy on PSN - time zones suck, but who knows, I might play with you :sunny:
  10. C

    All my rap is green

    don't be mad or mean I'm a rhyme machine you can be on my team it's the white atlantis dream rep in emerald shade, get green get paid shit posts get made and jgrange stayed :( now it's safe space in the MAGA thread stop posting before more tears are shed neg rep is red, closed minds and empty...
  11. C

    Happy Senor Citizens Day

    :lolque: too late for the wall amigos stfu es el biblioteca :phone:
  12. C

    [rep thread] A note to arsin about Reputation

    yeah, nah. that's not how this works there ain't no quid pro quo, bro i give rep to a post if it makes me laugh, or it if makes me think. this isn't Canadian grade school where we all sit around and jerk each other off additionally, even if that WAS how it worked...your grey rep is worth...
  13. C

    you guys will like this news story

    and because i'm a nice guy and it's tl;dr i'm going to paste the relevant stuff itt :sunny: Gable Tostee: Why a Gold Coast playboy made secret recordings of his date nights | cliffs: player records all his one night stands in case of someone crying rape or other fuckery psycho...
  14. C

    i wrote some words about tribalwar

    Poop trucks Smashing fucks Stupid cucks This thread sucks Ad block Noot cock Tehvul's dying Tick tock Breaking news Matching tattoos Nigs and jews Dutch's shoes Shit threads, shit posters Ski trips and rollercoasters :kiss:
  15. C

    [High-Rise] a movie that might not suck

    anyone already see this? i've been reading the book and enjoying it LKPghZ5cc_E
  16. C

    my ? thread

    Qc69zr_5uH4 +10GBP
  17. C

    [music] Gone from the charts but not from our hearts

    post good music from ye olden days so i can add it to my playlists i like a lot of stuff from this kind of era 9kIswurDJt4 fZZD8ckwLJA thNWwGGRMCk no naked ladies, but i'll throw out some +reps to everyone who contributes :sunny:
  18. C

    [NZ terror alert] bomb scare in the building next door

    just winding down at work here, but shit is kicking off there are cops all over the road outside (main street in the Central Business District of Wellington) and we're not allowed to leave our building due to a bomb scare... vab, nothing left to prove :wave...
  19. C

    [l4d clone] [twitch] Warhammer - Vermintide

    i dunno if this game is gonna be good or not, but i'm interested to try it out :) it's out on the 23rd and open beta for pre-order ppl has just kicked off gonna give it a whirl and stream on magicalgames
  20. C

    [xcom/dwarf fortress/etc threads] Team Tribalwar returns to Blood Bowl

    ***NOW RECRUITING RESERVES/REPLACEMENTS - SUBMIT YOUR NAME BELOW*** so yeah I did this thread a few years ago, and it was fun now Team Tribalwar has returned! :wet: i'd been watching a few people streaming the multiplayer beta of Blood Bowl 2 recently, and although i think this version is...