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  1. H

    I feel screwed by child support

    I just had a "modification Hearing" finally, because my 7 year old son died in August. (7 months ago) They took him off of child support but left my monthly payment the same at $550 a month. WTF???? My wife has a "public paid" lawyer and I cant afford one after being off of work for 3+ months...
  2. H

    Have you had your 15 minutes of fame?

    Were you in the papers, tv or internet? I was famous in Pittsburgh for about 1 day. Now, that and a buck will get me a cup of coffee. What is the biggest thing that you have done to be proud of?
  3. H

    Why are there like 30+ people viewing TT?

    There is usually like 6 people viewing all day. There has been over 30 people all morn in there.
  4. H


    The hearts fucked me all up.
  5. H

    [ofn] Moving Mario

    Some people have way too much time. Not sure if this is old or not. FXdifR7s1vA&rel
  6. H

    [pics] gross pics of my spider bite/flesh-eating bacterial infection

    Updated April 29th from a spider bite that turned into a flesh eating bacterial infection. 4 surgeries and crazy amounts of antibiotics. It was a life threating bacterial infection and i had between a 106.2 and 104 tempature for 2 days. Scary shit. I just got a few pics from my daughter, check...
  7. H

    [rant] Why when someone e-mails you

    or faxes you something, do they call and see if you got it? Drives me up a fucking wall.
  8. H

    [controversial]So i work at a hotel.....

    And I have access to EVERY room. My wife is taking 55% of my check each payday. How dishonest is it to search a room for some extra cash? I cant live on what I am getting paid right now.
  9. H

    The most cheesy 80's movie?

    My vote is for The Heavenly Kid. It was just on and reminded me of how bad it was. The Heavenly Kid (1985)
  10. H

    Best Steeler moment

    YouTube - Steelers' James Harrison slams Browns Fan
  11. H

    "Cheaters" tv show

    It's just not right to watch. But man i love seeing the look on peoples faces when they get caught. Then they deny it until they see the video that the cheaters dude has on tape. Plus when he got stabbed on that boat it was the greatest.
  12. H

    Are you on any medicine?

    I was perscribed Amitriptyline for sleep, but it doesnt seem to do shit. From what i was told, it is an older anti-depressant which causes drowsiness. I was on estazolam for a long time, but my new doc toke me off of it. Because it is a benzo and habit forming. What meds are you on?
  13. H


    I was recently hired by a police department and I have to buy a duty weapon. It has been 13 years since i sold my S&W 9mm that i originally qualified with in the academy. From the friends that i have on the job here in Pittsburgh, most carry a Glock 23. (40 cal) It holds 13 rounds in the mag in...
  14. H

    Last minute LAN in Philly.

    If anyone is interested that lives close to Philly, we have a little-lan going on this weekend starting on tomorrow night. We are playing Tribes, T2, maybe TV(hope not) BF2 and i am sure CS:S. (Plus more) Anyone that is interested in coming for the 3 days or even just to stop by and have some...
  15. H

    Anyone from Pittsburgh check this out yet? Thinking about joining and i am just curious because i know there are a few Pittsburgh peeps in here.
  16. H

    Big ass shark! That is one big ass shark.
  17. H

    Work safe template?

    Where is it? For the smartasses i didnt search.
  18. H

    Did you ever HAVE to attend, or choose to attend an AA/NA meeting?

    What are your thoughts? Does it work?
  19. H

    Have you ever been this drunk?
  20. H

    Garage Games interview

    Dont think that this has been posted yet.