Recent content by shaka_zulu705

  1. S

    Hey guize Im black!

    Im black and have a big dick. None of you can do anything about it. I will steal all your precious white women and spread my superior race all over this great country. We will rise from the ashes. We will overcome! Black Power!
  2. S

    [PORN] help me rig this vote.

    i need help getting more votes for this contest, and for helping out i will give you the prize of classic porn. here is the link to vote:Brickfish Social Media: shakaloco and this is the initial prize: Edit2: apparently the...
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    [HALO 3] my friends are dumb

    i have a couple of friends who believe that halo is God's gift to man, but i keep telling them it is a horrible game. how can i convice them they are wrong?
  4. S

    childhood movies

    post whatever comes to mind. homeward bound teenage mutant ninja turtles fox and the hound
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    why do black people get tatooes?

    you cant see em.
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    jet li vs bruce lee

    who would win in a fight? this is of couse a fight between both fighters in their prime.
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    [TW] Let's Make an 80's Movie

    In this thread we will make an awesome 80's movie. the opening credits roll out with a montage of a beach with "take on me" playing in the background.
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    all things off season here. speculation too. :D
  9. S

    the lock thread

    in this thread we post pictures of locks
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    strange wilderness

    anybody else heard of it? today is my first time seeing the trailer ZTchX4lp8Yc it looks okay. i lol everytime i see the end
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    if tribalwar was a business...

    what would your job be?
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    room tribalwar.
  13. S

    [OFFICIAL] Internet history

    What are the 5 biggest fads in internet history? imo the invetion of shock sites, and caturday have to be up there.
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    happy halloween tw

    i hope yours is a great one. :D