Parental responsibility in ''Murica? SHEEEEIIITTTT

I am kind of on the fence about this. For instance if a kid steals the car keys and runs over someone should the parents be responsible for that also? What about kitchen knives? What if they build a bomb from the fertilizer the dad was storing?

Guns should always be secured AND parents should recognize when their own child is destructive like this.
5 year old pick fights then cry like 5 year olds when it gets put back on them.

I have advised mitch many times to shut the fuck up and go bother someone else, yet he seems focused on me. It maybe a bit of a mancrush on his part.i dont know. But again, he can't go long without mentioning my name because apparently im always on his mind

Juggs, no one can quit you. /=! No homo
5 year old pick fights then cry like 5 year olds when it gets put back on them.

I have advised mitch many times to shut the fuck up and go bother someone else, yet he seems focused on me. It maybe a bit of a mancrush on his part.i dont know. But again, he can't go long without mentioning my name because apparently im always on his mind

You're delusional. Even if I was a faggot, all the nope in the world. You stick with your online wife shopping, thanks.
As if anyone is in control of what a 15 yr old does.

Remember being told what to do when you were 15, did you listen?


My parents did their best, but no way should they have been held responsible for the shit I got up to when 15. I knew what I was doing was wrong, and nothing would have stopped me doing it.

well ya but that's not what happened

they told kid to stfu and man up when he begged for mental help

they then figured fuck it let's leave the guns unlocked around our unstable kid b/c he can just suck it up

they then told the school nah fuck it he's fine don't send him home

i vaguely remember some sort of txt message from the mother coaching him about what to say/what not to say to a school counsellor in order to not get suspended but im not 100% certain it was this particular case (sadly there are so many school shootings in the US that there's a risk of some elision)

this aint exactly a case of 'wah white parents get held accountable' in a general sense, it's a case of these two specific idiots almost deliberately fucking up