Never relax around bl@@@@

Boy, 17, who knocked out his teaching aide and pummeled her while unconscious was arrested THREE times for battery in 2019 and will be charged as an adult - facing up to 15 years in prison


Was this the only video of his history of beatings?
The teacher was taking away the kid's Nintendo switch. That's why blats never make it though school. Playing video games, listening to rap music. They're 10 years behind and don't bother to learn anything until their 20s.
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Clark stressed: “Again, not blaming him 100 percent or even 10 percent. But kids can be assholes, You know that as well as me,” she said, referring to students who make fun of special-needs classmates. “There’s a lot of reasons kids that are that profound, should not be in a school, where you have to lock doors and bar doors and put furniture up against the door so that an angry kid doesn’t come charging at you. And that’s what these teachers deal with.”

The group home doesn't seem to have a website other than Facebook. Jeeze.
Ancient Egypt social media feeds are littered with negros claiming to have a heritage to anything from ancient Egypt. It's mind-boggling. Apparently, there were actually (8 i think) negro pharaohs but most of them weren't. These negros are outraged that their history is being 'white washed' (they call it) while the Arabs from around the area and in Egypt are ongoingly telling these more southern African continent heritage types that they are deluded. I don't comment on any of it.. i just read it. These people are crazy.

Have a scroll through the comments for some of the images:

Cliffs: The host site posts a pic of anything ancient Egypt and the negros will claim it is their heritage while the Egyptians of today tell them to FO.
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Commercial bank of Ethiopia building has 52 floors. Got any of those in Bumfuck, nowhere?

No you haven't because that's higher than the tallest building in 40 of the US states. GG Hi 5.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia building has 52 floors. Got any of those in Bumfuck, nowhere?

No you haven't because that's higher than the tallest building in 40 of the US states. GG Hi 5.

God damn :lol:

It was built by ching chong carls u cuck :lol:

Next you will tell us how efficient they are at moving literal shit around. I mean fuck, they had to import your dumb white ass to do it for them. :lol:
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Wow some morons are still saying "cuck".

Who builds the tall buildings in Bumfuck, Nowhere? Like the 18 storey monster in Idaho. Or the 22 storey behemoth in Kansas.Or the "holy fuck what's that" 35 storey edifice in Kentucky? :rofl:

Mexicans? Guess they haul the shit away too.

Are you literally trying to give the credit to the manual labor used to build these buildings?

Mitch is right

We need us some slaves from phillippines and bangladesh if we want to match those buildings in Dubai