A question about diet

Right now i'm doing IF and when i do eat its low carb. Stay away from sugars, simple carbs, sodas (even diet), processed meats

My proteins are usually beef, chicken, fish
I do have rice, but generally its brown rice, if its white rice i wash it off first
lots of fibrous veggies

Only certain kinds of fruit. I like bananas, but ripe/very ripe yellow bananas are not the same in fiber and sugar content as green bananas, stuff like grapes have little to no fiber but a crapload of fructose. fiberous carbs are ok, they don't hit your blood sugar/insulin that hard. Low fiber high sugar kicks your blood sugar causing your body to release insulin, packing everything to fat stores
Lowering your sodium intake and ensuring you're getting a balanced amount of potassium can regulate high blood pressure, so if you're dealing with hypertension then by all means pay more attention to your salt intake. Otherwise the guidelines are up in the air. If your blood pressure is normal and your blood markers okay, there doesn't seem to be any reason to prioritize thinking about sodium when planning your diet. Way more important shit to worry about.

In my experience high sodium leads to water retention, which leads to higher readings on the scale even if you're technically losing weight.
In my experience high sodium leads to water retention, which leads to higher readings on the scale even if you're technically losing weight.

To an extent yes but there's a high limit. I think you're way more likely to bloat with an excess carb intake than with sodium. Water is good. Number on scale should be irrelevant if your bf% is going down, right?
when i was getting the WIC card for my kids, they only permit whole grain and wheat - pastas, breads, etc

so we only ate wheat bread and wheat pasta for years.

after that was over, i got a loaf of white wonder bread.

it tasted so g damned amazing.
I just eat mayonaise sandwiches on wonder

cheap easy and faster than mcdonalds

it's all 4 food groups
There's no difference between brown rice and white rice. You're deluded if you think otherwise.
To an extent yes but there's a high limit. I think you're way more likely to bloat with an excess carb intake than with sodium. Water is good. Number on scale should be irrelevant if your bf% is going down, right?

Should be, but there's a mental aspect to losing weight. If you're not progressing well related to your perceived effort, it's easier to quit trying.
If you wanna lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit, period.

This 100%

Also diets are stupid unless you're saying you are changing your whole diet in which case it is just a lifestyle change.

Eat clean food, mostly vegs, and use portion control

Then win.
Eat mostly veg if you wanna grow a vegina

Eat mostly protein if you wanna be a Chad.
All the shit on that list is fine. You gotta get out of the carbs are bad "keto" mindset its poisoning you and keeping you from making real gains.

Carbs are fine. If you wanna lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit, period.


the idea that bread is bad for you is fucking retarded.

And 100% this. Ditto for potatoes. I find rice and pasta a bit repetitive, love a baked potato.

Once again Juggs asks a question, disagrees with knowledgeable people who try to help him, and continues with his anti-carb bullshit. Pointless.

And drink water until you're fucking bored with doing it. Then drink some more.