[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2


libtards can't meme
Remember when Rolling Stone said Hunter's laptop were vile baseless lies?

Well, they got the vile part right
Cotton wool was found in her nostrils, presumably to lessen the unpleasant odour of the faeces which, when tested, matched that of her neighbour’s dog.
No. I stopped paying attention to Rolling Stone when they invented a rape.

Actually, Tawana Brawley told a lie, and many people believed her story. Rolling Stone printed her story. What you left out, is that after the rape kit was negative, and she was indicted by a grand jury for lying, Rolling Stone reported on that, too.

And since it's the season, which is more likely-- that an omniscient, omnipotent overlord suspended the laws of biology and physics, creating terrestrial visible moving star, and a miraculous virginal birth of the Son Of God. . . ..or that a pregnant Jewish girl told a fib?

Rolling Stone is still one of the places I read news and op eds. What do you consider reliable sources of news? Be specific.