Anti-Semitism in 2022

I'm watching this jew talk about misinformation.

From this

NY Mag: Academics Are Reconsidering the Meaning of Free Speech Occidental Dissent

Everything he says is a lie. He says free speech is bad because, among other things, people like MTG can appeal directly to voters and raise money. He says misinformation is responsible for people questioning the 2020 election. He also says that the tech companies have a conservative bias, naming Google specifically.

He has a weak low testosterone voice. Weak winy jew. The professor who opens and closes the video is a jew too. The jew guest has ugly art in the background of his sterile souless office.

When Hitler came to power he had these art shows called Degenerate Art, which is basically the philosophy of jewish art. The shows featured degenerate art just to show the ugliness of what jews create. Epstein had a book about this on his island.


Jews hate beauty. It's in their nature to pervert it. It's as if they are trying to recreate the world in their own image.

I'm watching this jew talk about misinformation.

From this

NY Mag: Academics Are Reconsidering the Meaning of Free Speech Occidental Dissent

Everything he says is a lie. He says free speech is bad because, among other things, people like MTG can appeal directly to voters and raise money. He says misinformation is responsible for people questioning the 2020 election. He also says that the tech companies have a conservative bias, naming Google specifically.

He has a weak low testosterone voice. Weak winy jew. The professor who opens and closes the video is a jew too. The jew guest has ugly art in the background of his sterile souless office.

When Hitler came to power he had these art shows called Degenerate Art, which is basically the philosophy of jewish art. The shows featured degenerate art just to show the ugliness of what jews create. Epstein had a book about this on his island.


Jews hate beauty. It's in their nature to pervert it. It's as if they are trying to recreate the world in their own image.


What is "the nature" of white ppl, in your opinion?
white people are intelligent warriors. that is what we do.

If you want someone killed, want a country overthrown, what a regime installed, want a new way to kill the most people in the shortest amount of time. We're your people. We build bombs, we perfected militaries, nobody beats ass like we do.

But we aren't 'administrators'. We can take over a country easily, we just can't rule it for too long because we get bored and lazy, turn it over to some half upright chimp so we can cut our costs and move on to the next place to destroy, and the chimp we installed invariably ends up being far more corrupt than we ever thought of being mostly because the pool of people we pull from to take over for us in our absence is the most morally corrupt people we can find, thats why they are happy to take the job.

We get shit done, but any means necessary. If we need resources, first we will attempt to negotiate, if that doesn't work we will install a friendly gov't, when that fails we just say fuck it and attack

If we want to invent something someone else is inventing at the same time, first we steal from them with espionage, then slow them down with sabotage, then try to buy their inventors and bring them here, then just try to buy them out and when all else fails 'accidents' happen to them

We have no shame and our moral compass is situational at best. That is our gift to the world.
I don't think you actually know what a boomer is. So you probably should stop using words you don't understand.
a boomer is a person with a boomers state of mind

in polite society we call them an older minded american
I read reggs posts. He's one of the few here actually contributing original content.

Don't be afraid falcuck.