Current news thread

I would like to know why election day isn't a national holiday and why isn't it moved to Friday. Would seem that more people would be able to actually vote
What I'm finding interesting is that in georgia, where there was a shitload of pushback with it's voter ID law, you know, the claims that it suppresses voting rights, well it seems record numbers of voters are turning out to vote.

To me, it seems that going through the minor inconvenience of getting a voter ID card makes you more likely to actually exercise your right to vote, not suppress it.

Funny how that works.
I would like to know why election day isn't a national holiday and why isn't it moved to Friday. Would seem that more people would be able to actually vote

right? says that in 1845, Congress passed a federal law designating the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as Election Day. Its just a federal law.

The party who screams voting should be easy has control of the congress and a president who would sign the new law. Why wouldn't they have already done it?

America's 'most dangerous' law? Illinois candidate warns of 'anarchy' after criminal justice overhaul

The Illinois Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T) Act changes multiple parts of Illinois' justice system with provisions like ending cash bail; limiting how flights determine whether defendants are flight risks; and allows defendants under electronic monitoring to leave home for 48 hours before they can be charged with escape.

The legislation, which Gov. JB. Pritzker signed into law last year, will go into effect Jan. 1.
you have to word that just right or google won't return any results... on bing just about any combination works
bing killed google like 15 years ago w/ the better image and vid search, bruh

only boombers and special needs zoomers still google
Prelection denial is my favorite. It's too easy to add plausibility to post election denial. Hanging chads, pizza boxes, busted pipes. It takes balls to suggest the outcome is preordained.
except this time they wont be able to use twitter to block all mention or sharing of news stories that paint democrats poorly
That is and has always been the democrat gameplan. They 'preload' accusations. So that when 2024 gets here and the people see dems blatantly stealing the election again, they can jump around like retarded monkeys screaming LOOK THEY DONT SUPPOR THE ELECTION RESULTS WE TOLD YOU THEY WERE GOING TO TRY TO STEAL THE ELECTION and their equally retarded follower will all be saying ' it would happen'. This is how they work because their followers are half stupid while claiming to be so much more educated and intelligent than everyone else
Wouldn't it be funny if the USA collapsed in on Itself because everyone thought everyone else was cheating and therefore began cheating themselves, but there was no significant fraud in the first place.

Starting to catch the drift of "nothing to fear but fear itself"

(Funny "uh oh", not funny "haha")