Roe v Wade set to be overruled by SCOTUS

Here's a controversial opinion that will get you cancelled:
Democrats are to blame for this abortion mess.

In 1973 the Supreme Court said that the constitution gives women the right to abortions. But in the almost 50 years that Roe v Wade was accepted they failed to codify this verdict into law.
Those fuckers had 50 years to write and pass a federal law that legalizes and regulates abortions and it would have been easy as pie to defend this law because the Supreme Court said it's a constitutional right.
Now times have changed and the Supreme Court ruled that the constitution does not grant a right to abortions and admittedly, the reasoning behind Roe v Wade is very shaky. But even this conservative Supreme Court doesn't say that abortions per se are illegal or unconstitutional, so a simple federal law would have prevented all this shit from happening.
Why didn't they codify it? Maybe because abortion being a hot issue not being settled is more beneficial in terms of election campaigning and getting votes than solving the problem once and for all.
Politicians are the problem. But just like it was when Hillary lost, liberals aren't capable of critical introspection.

AOC is a cunt. Ranting on "le ebil huwhyte man" when she and her squad could have prevented this by simply doing their job and legislating.

this is some incredible pretzel logic to avoid admitting u just wanna take away rights

What 'rights' are that fael? Please write out the 'rights' being taken away.
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So, if it's not a human; when a prego woman is killed and with her, the not yet human also ceases to exist as whatever it is inside of her, why are people being charged with the killing of two (2) (not to or too) humans?
So, if it's not a human; when a prego woman is killed and with her, the not yet human also ceases to exist as whatever it is inside of her, why are people being charged with the killing of two (2) (not to or too) humans?

Because emotions. From all sides. Trying to keep emotions out of a discussion in regards to killing a baby/fetus is impossible for most people it seems.
Because emotions. From all sides. Trying to keep emotions out of a discussion in regards to killing a baby/fetus is impossible for most people it seems.

I think you can be pretty emotional when adults get killed too...
Fael argument
what he means is we support the catholic agenda because we're angry and we're prepared to use pretzel logic to justify it
How about simplifying it to where it is just about women’s rights to chose and not bundle it in with every other controversial thing under the sun?