3 weeks of feeling like death on a stick

And yet im still fine with it not being an issue any longer. I know it was upper respiratory infection, i know the measures i took cleared it up. Thats all i need to know.

Technically speaking you have no fucking idea if the measures you took did sweet fuck all. Maybe the measures you took made the illness last 3 weeks instead of 2.
I don't know what's funniest

juggs describing all the covid symptoms and saying it wasn't covid

dr amram mcchud telling people not to finish antibiotics

taking old antibiotics for a viral infection and thinking it does something in the first place

or the entire part about home remedies
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Technically speaking you have no fucking idea if the measures you took did sweet fuck all. Maybe the measures you took made the illness last 3 weeks instead of 2.

Had upper respiratory infection
Took pills that are prescribed for upper respiratory infection
infection cleared up
Took steady intake of OTC meds designed to break up chest congestion
no longer had chest congestion

I mean I'm not a doctor, but i'd say its a safe bet that those measures fixed the problem. or do you think that had i went to a doctor and had him actually tell me i had an upper respiratory infection and he got on his magic healing telephone and called the pharmacy to give me the exact same meds and told me to take them the exact same way that the outcome would have been more magical and healeringly? Yes, you can use that word.
lmfao I just got to brasstax weight loss toxins post and now I'm legitimately dead

this is amazing :lol:
You'll never know since you never went to a doctor for some reason? :psyduck:

Could have got a COVID test, maybe some useful antibiotics, an actual diagnosis at least?

Were you just afraid of testing positive for COVID?

Nah, i've already tested positive for covid and recovered. It might very well have been, just didn't really feel "sick enough" to be covid i guess. Didn't have a temp., didn't have the shits. The smell thing kind of came and went fairly quick
Nah, i've already tested positive for covid and recovered. It might very well have been, just didn't really feel "sick enough" to be covid i guess. Didn't have a temp., didn't have the shits. The smell thing kind of came and went fairly quick

Yeah you just described how a lot of people with Covid feel. And getting it twice is not at all unusual with this new variant.
Ok, so it was covid.
Then that means i just cured covid with bed rest and over the counter meds

Now go get your 5th booster and stfu already...jesus
Ok, so it was covid.
Then that means i just cured covid with bed rest and over the counter meds

Now go get your 5th booster and stfu already...jesus

Yeah you didn't cure anything, most people get through Covid with regular cold / flu remedies and mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. for a few it turns to something much more serious, and being unvaxxed increases the chances of you being one of them. I don't know why you would want to take that risk given your current circumstances. Tweaks his own I guess :shrug:
It was COVID and it sounds like you're obese to the point of having a hard time with it. I would suspect at least.
i think my favorite part might be juggs casual observation that a lot of ppl are getting sick around now

what a truly incredible time to be alive
I don't even know where to start with the palpable irony itt

but I'm sincerely happy for your son that you pulled thru ur sickness juggs
Juggs just get vaxxed you were sick 3 weeks from the weak omnicrom

Probably not a good sign if u wanna be around long term for your son
You dont need to 'finish' your course of antibiotics just shut up ok?

aaahahahahaha gypse doctor says western medicine gives extra pills u no need, drink pee pee.

Also juggs bro u had covid u should get an antibody test and think about boosting in the future if it was that bad, stay healthy my dude.