No Laurie For Me (NLFM)

What happens if your test comes back positive? Do you get the trip rescheduled or refunded?

Royal Caribbean Cruises Covid Refund Policy
Refunded 14 days before, pro-rated if during the cruise, they cover medical if during the cruise.

I was thinking more about the 2 people in our party that had Covid-21. They got sick the 2nd night of the cruise before we entered any port. That means they got it on the boat when they split up from the GF and myself. We ate dinner with these people, drove home in a car with them without masks on. Yet the GF and myself tested Negative, while they tested Positive. To me that means masks are BS, and this video also says cloth masks are nothing but face decorations. I was wearing a cloth mask on the boat because it's comfortable, versus the N95 mask which is tight on my head. From my real life experience on the boat, that means people get it from touching, not breathing it in. Otherwise everyone on the ship would get sick because they're all breathing the same air in the restaurants and dining rooms, and they don't have masks on when eating.

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The only reason people have to wear a mask is if someone sneezes or they're talking directly in front of you. I remember they had those videos showing that if someone sneezed in a grocery store it could travel over the isle. Or if someone is talking directly in front of you, they're basically spitting as they talk. The idea that you can get it from the air is very low, otherwise everyone would be infected with Covid-21.
Good video with details. The Royal Caribbean ships are similar with the shops, restaurants, and things to do, but this one is huge.

I know more about the cruise ship industry after watching a bunch of videos and seeing reports of the ships with Covid in the news.

In other news, my father turned 85 on 12/27/21, he's still with us. Laurie moved out of the house on 12/28/21, she's going to Texas City TX with her BF. I was not there when she moved out. There is a new live in at the home watching my father, we've known this person for a while. I'm driving up to take care of things. At least now I can visit the house without any bickering from Laurie, she's gone.
I know more about the cruise ship industry after watching a bunch of videos and seeing reports of the ships with Covid in the news.

In other news, my father turned 85 on 12/27/21, he's still with us. Laurie moved out of the house on 12/28/21, she's going to Texas City TX with her BF. I was not there when she moved out. There is a new live in at the home watching my father, we've known this person for a while. I'm driving up to take care of things. At least now I can visit the house without any bickering from Laurie, she's gone.

Plz don't contact her ever again and stop trying to prove who is "right" or "wrong". She was wrong. Now move on.
I drove up to the house on the 29th. Spent NYE watching the shows on TV in the house. Things are quiet and peaceful with Laurie gone. Dad is having a tumor removed in his bladder this Friday. If that goes well then he should be good for a few years.
LOL she tossed me in the clinc on christmas day after 3 weeks of negotiations in front of my entire family

then she had a mental breakdown

i will video tape what happens next
this is the guy shes dating this is the enemy
