holy fuk 6/15 is coming up

where did q predict this?

shut up with ur stupid q shit, u fucking fag

the whole omg everything i don't agree with was probably q schtick is dumb af

Are you trying to hurt my feelings?

The q date thing cam from tehvul constantly posting qanon dates that kept changing.

Why are you offended? You're not a q guy.
Oh look, a woman who doesn't know anything.

It came from triple being a retard, actually.
i thought it was on 6/15 killary and berry hussein were going 2 jail and then the next 6/15 it was gonna be trump and then q could run the country to great suxxcess
6/15 looks busy then. Wait that is a Tuesday. No bomb shells happen on a Tuesday. I think they meant 6/16
Woe to you, o'er Earth and Sea
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is six fifteen.
I love that none of you dumb fucks can resist biting on yet another kale troll.