Anti vaxxers to mask up around the vaccinated because they are batshit insane

i can see y u mite think that b/c w/ ur experience as a teacher u probly noticed that some students think u and ur colleagues kno wat ur talking about

embittered old drunk projecting his sick fantasies onto his intellectual superiors

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

embittered old drunk projecting his sick fantasies onto his intellectual superiors

I wasn't dissing you. You're the one person on this site where I do not stray from my lane. I was not insulting you.
I am not getting this annual/bi-annual covid shot unless there is a need. I don't get flu shots either.

I may or may not wear a mask as I see fit and in accordance with whatever stupid fucking state law exists

I don't give a shit if others get the annual or bi-annual covid shot or not

I am not going to die of COVID.
If I do die of COVID, please laugh at me and call me a dumbass

That is all.

Everyone should have either hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin around
should get that at least to be ready for the first couple days of it
What is unlikely to rise is the mortality rate. Which has always been the key indicator to watch. Along with the number of people requiring hospitalization.

Good God.

The good thing, I guess, is that nobody comes here and will not read this kind of dross. The bad thing, is that I'm assuming you talk to friends and family irl, and that some of them might think you know what you're talking about.

Alright - you are saying that the mortality RATE of covid is going to rise?
That for every 100,000 people who get it, the number of people who croak is going to rise?

That will be interesting. Doesn't say much for the shots, does it? Are you even aware of the trend? Have you noticed that not as many people are dying in the US? Have you noticed that we are removing mask restrictions?

Do you know why? It's because we are getting back to normal.

Not sure that's possible for you.
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brasstax doesn't talk to his family lol he's ostracized and embittered a school shooter in the making

pffft - my copious amount of family and friends love me dearly.

Unlike you, depressing person.
Take care of that manic depression. Might want to adjust your prescription.
WAIT - I understand. I have been tone deaf with Vanster on the topic of COVID.

The natives were decimated by diseases like smallpox to which they had no immunity and so he is rightfully in fear of COVID. White people had already generated resistance.

So, I apologize, Vanster. I will cut you a break on the COVID topic.

Offering a blanket would be horrible so I won't do that.***

*** Note to highfive ---- this might look like rambling and a choice of a random word.
However, this is a historical reference.
Did Colonists Give Infected Blankets to Native Americans as Biological Warfare? - HISTORY

I will try to add some context for you to help demystify my posts. It is good that they triggered you into making a thread about me. I would love to help you out.
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