Fuck You Baltimore!

The only logical thing to do is destroy all advanced learning facilities that are prolly populated mostly by Whites and Asians.
Not sure why the media is so afraid to say that black people learning or succeeding at school is a white person characteristic.

Coke told them they gotta be less white, so they are.
Turning the U.S. into a socialist state still has plenty of bugs in the system. But don't worry. Biden will eventually get it right.
I can't imagine the chaos all those classes must look like. So a majority of kids did as bad or worse than him.. wow. If there is no way to maintain a learning environment because of 'hands off kid glove everyone a winner approach'..If you can't get rid of the kids disrupting.. If schools are just allowed to advance kids that can't handle the next class... If parents really think their child is doing ok passing only 3 classes in HS... If no kid takes on the responsibility of learning and lays their failures on others..

he failed 22 classes and was late or absent 272 days.
The article reads like a babylon bee story. How can a family not be aware of how bad you are doing?

There is no fix for this.
Your sig sucks balls and is as close as Trump is ever gonna get. Just FYI.

So enlightened.

Here we have one of the biggest (haha get it?) libtards on forum.

Can’t defend his liberal policies so he slanders.


I would love to hear anyone willing to defend nearly a generation of liberal policy for results like these.

Can it be done?

How is it the republicans fault?

anyway,if you would like to know more about the problems with some schools in Baltimore City, watch The Wire Season 4 - it is legit. My ex gf was a city school teacher for awhile, it isn't pretty (and everything she told me lined up with what happened in that season of The Wire)

edit: I remember one time she told me that she was forced to pass a student (in art btw) by the administration - student barely ever came to class. she taught at a rough school in west baltimore. she pushed back and was threatened with being fired....
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anyway,if you would like to know more about the problems with some schools in Baltimore City, watch The Wire Season 4 - it is legit. My ex gf was a city school teacher for awhile, it isn't pretty (and everything she told me lined up with what happened in that season of The Wire)

edit: I remember one time she told me that she was forced to pass a student (in art btw) by the administration - student barely ever came to class. she taught at a rough school in west baltimore. she pushed back and was threatened with being fired....

Pics of ex gf in the classroom or it didn't happen.