Black Lives Matter

why not

they got a permanent right to jogging permit

15-year-old guilty of involuntary manslaughter at Frederick fair to be placed in behavioral modification program - Carroll County Times

killing white people not even a crime anymore apparently


If only we had tried the "Behavioral Modification" strategy before people were murdered.

Oh wait... that would be that racist white patriarchy thing they call "parenting".

The Black Family Is Struggling, and It’s Not Because of Slavery
To Reduce Disparities, We Must Acknowledge Black Fathers Matter
PolitiFact | Statistics dont lie in this case
Fuck that shit. Something like that happens to my kid. Im going Carl Lee on them. I will have the satisfaction of killing them.
The story about the 5 year old kid ran on Inside Edition. It's getting out there, just not instant.
5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnants Family Calls for Death Penalty for Alleged Killer | Inside Edition
And the thing is, they invited him over for dinner the day before. They think he may have been high on drugs.

you killed a little Chinese kid with quark when I was a little baby. lets be real here you haven't changed at all. blaming it on me and saying I did it is coward neo republican shit. you deserve the death penalty probably above a lot of the other slime people on this forum. you got my dog whiskey revenge hurt by the same Chinese kid;s brother. i had to take care of the dog for 13 years he's probably still alive.

please die you are evil.
BLM = hate/greed. Hate never equals progress. It is very frustrating for many blacks. It used to be that Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson would be rolled out as the Supreme Leader of Black People. Most blacks don't see these two as Supreme Black Overlords. Blacks have some legitimate issues - like lack of LE in their neighborhoods. Lack of response from 911 etc. BLM has usurped their voices. BLM does not represent all blacks.
BLM = hate/greed. Hate never equals progress. It is very frustrating for many blacks. It used to be that Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson would be rolled out as the Supreme Leader of Black People. Most blacks don't see these two as Supreme Black Overlords. Blacks have some legitimate issues - like lack of LE in their neighborhoods. Lack of response from 911 etc. BLM has usurped their voices. BLM does not represent all blacks.

sorry could you repeat that please

i'm having trouble hearing you over the defeaning pleas from black people for more LEOs in their communities