Black Lives Matter

So peaceful. Yet they get in the face of a reporter and push him around.

This is why there is no reasoning with the left. They're insane and use violence to get their way.
try for yourself.


stimulus package 2020

I'm watching some UFC fight here in Mex.

and an hour before it comes on they're showing nba basketball
everything looks like the colors of an antifa flag
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yep still holding to the bullshit that blm is about black lives
not the women's rant in the beginning that 'Black Lives Don't Matter'
as a counter protest to the political movement, 'Black Lives Matter'
We see jou pilpullin'
And right after the UFC fight
Hockey started up with...
yep, a BLM public service announcement
I'm gonna try. I always get it fucked up....

On Dasher and Donor and Cupid and Blitzen...
on Rambo and Asram and Johnson and Fleshlight
and Rudolph
That fight sucked. I watched the highlights before they get taken down.

Where I live we have a bike/walking path that runs next to a road. The path has a few benches on it. They were marked up. The locals are talking about it on Nextdoor and want the graffiti removed. You see, white people in a nice neighborhood don't want graffiti. They're going to try and remove it and call the city/county. So it's only White Men who cat call women. Wow.
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Graffiti for me
But not for thee

D.C. Police Arrest Two Students Chalking Pro-Life Message

Police arrested two pro-life students who were chalking the phrase “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Washington, DC, Saturday morning....After applying and receiving our permit for this event today, after being told by the Metropolitan police that the Mayor has quote ‘opened a Pandora’s box’ by painting public streets, we arrived to find six police cars threatening to arrest our team and students if they painted, even using the tempera paint we bought that the Police Department specifically requested. When we asked if we could at least use sidewalk chalk to chalk our anti-violence message on the streets, the police threatened to arrest us.

“With these threats D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has made her motives clear as she apparently only thinks that SOME Black Lives Matter and that only SOME slogans are allowed to be painted on streets,” Hawkins asserted. “She will be hearing from Students for Life’s attorneys about these unconstitutional efforts to limit speech to government-approved topics.”...
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I'm watching some UFC fight here in Mex.

Watched it too. That one chick fight ended with text book arm bar. Soon as she leaned back knew it was over. Ref should have stopped the main event way sooner than he did. I understand why ref let it go on, but it was obvious what was about to happen.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SeVeReD again.
There was a protest near me today. I thought it was about police brutality but it turned out to be PETA protesting the usage of canadian geese somewhere in a mall.