New New GIF (animated) Thread

That would be liberal democrats you asshat.

So what? Did you miss the part where I have no political affiliations whatsoever, or are you just exhibiting default Trumptard behaviour?

Let me make it a bit clearer for you. If the republicans could find a non-senile, non-sociopath, non-orange candidate, that's all good for me.
So what you're saying is that all these years of toting fecal matter around has softened your spine to the point that you have no stance on anything.
Goshin saved tw?? Tribalwar is about to die, you guys need to grow up quick. Your outlet to be a faceless racist for the last time in your lives is about to crumble. Get it all out now! Please don't hold back this time boys
So what you're saying is that all these years of toting fecal matter around has softened your spine to the point that you have no stance on anything.

Do I have to choose a political party to have a stance on something, you fucking simpleton? There's no point explaining anything to you, would be like trying to teach pond life to do calculus.
Do I have to choose a political party to have a stance on something, you fucking simpleton? There's no point explaining anything to you, would be like trying to teach pond life to do calculus.

So what are you trying to say, fecal farmer?


It's like poo porn isn't it...