[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Sure why not let the ppl decide, pay for it with a payroll tax labled "Trumps wall that Mexico will pay for" right there with social security taxes etc.

same old talking points

but yeah man, let's do that. at the same time, we can choose whether to payroll planned parenthood and welfare too.
and i'm going to love having a wall to watch all you trolls and liberals reeeee about it constantly


Nobel Prize-winning scientist who co-discovered DNA stripped of honors over race comments | FOX6Now.com

James Watson, who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick in the 1950s based on the work of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, said in a PBS film that genes cause a difference in intelligence between people who are white and people who are black in IQ tests.

Watson had previously told Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper in 2007 that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really.”

The scientist added that while he hoped everyone was equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true.”

And in a British TV documentary that aired in 2003, Watson suggested stupidity was a genetic disease that should be treated.
if you believe the democrats will ever admit that they want to buy illegal votes with your taxpayer money, forget it

theyve done it with CA, now for the rest of the Nation

and if you disagree with them, youre a greedy racist too
even if he had the money, how long would it take to build the wall?

im pretty sure he would want it built by the time of the 2020 election


not gonna happen, but he will campaign on it

way i see it, his presidency is dead if he loses this fight. non-stop smearing and investigations for sure
If there was any interest at all in doing anything but continuing this idiotic dog and pony show for the American people, Congress would send a budget to Trump, let him veto it, and then override his veto (they would certainly have the votes for this.)

But no, the theater of it all is far more important to pelosi than actually getting something done.