Again, CPI remains modestly low in comparison to the easing we're doing. Bernanke isn't just dumping trillions into the economy, he is doing it in a better and more robust way that has amazingly kept a lid on the growth of inflation.

Really? He's not, exactly what sophisticated technique is he using then?

So you are saying we can just print money, forever, no matter how much and you wouldn't ever expect anything detrimental to ever come from that?

If that's the case why not pay off the entire deficit tomorrow? Why not make everyone rich, not just Wall-street, by hammering 0's on a keyboard until America is fixed?

If printing money doesn't devalue old money, if it's such a good thing, and Zimbobwe and Weimar are lies......why not go full retard?

Just because the leak is small enough to make old over valued, over priced, asset bubbles look real, or tangible, in substitution of essential deflation taking course, doesn't mean that inflation isn't the end result of what we are doing.

Even other members at the FED fears this, but I guess that wasn't in your MSNBC article now was it?

You jibber/jabber on about various things that have nothing to do with the discussion.

:rofl: You jibber jabber about something other than why Ben Bernanke, king jew of the banking cartel, isn't the greatest man alive, who has ever existed!!!!

What you are really saying is: "Stop distracting this discussion with something other than the only thing my feeble fucking mind can comprehend."

Emergency bailout of wall street = proven to be a smart choice.
Emergency liquidity into the system = proven to be a smart choice.

We're reaping the benefits we see all day.

Oh yeah we are........

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

In droves. It's the greatest thing that has ever happened. Ask all the indebted nations in the EU if you want to see what such prosperity feels like. Or Japan who is almost 300% of Debt to GDP and still in economic stagnation how great multiple lost decades feel, because soon enough we are going to find out ourselves.

Only those dumb bastards (and you), who haven't already learned from their mistake, celebrate what we are doing right now.
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did -ss- get his acct renamed to captain tele

cuz they seem like the same brand of retard

Almost a cogent argument with an ounce of measurable content or substance.

Or as people put it elsewhere a "thought".

Don't hurt yourself next time. Obamacare aint 100% here yet.
In droves. It's the greatest thing that has ever happened. Ask all the indebted nations in the EU if you want to see what such prosperity feels like. Or Japan who is almost 300% of Debt to GDP and still in economic stagnation how great multiple lost decades feel, because soon enough we are going to find out ourselves.

Money is supposed to be about efficiently distributing control over resources. The first world no longer lives in a society where outright feudalism is acceptable, so governments have to intervene when invariably the wealth of a nation is distributed in such a slanted manner that the proletariat is having trouble affording food and shelter. Really, the outcome is not good for the wealthy either in this scenario, but the game of capitalism does not allow for one to think that way until it becomes a problem.

As I think I said to you in another thread, the national debt or debt:GDP ratio is a completely useless measure. So, of course, is any stock market index.

The future stagnation that the US is likely to endure will be due to piss-poor government policy that is based around making a dying grasp for the world's resources by force and with the silent approval its allies rather than having a single unpaid for thought that might encourage innovation and progress, NOT the national debt or the monetary system. Whooptie fucking do, the fed is keeping the same people in power, in power, rather than letting it crash and letting a new brand rise up to do the same shit. It would have been very interesting to see what would have happened in the interim between regime changes, though.

"The New York Times delivers some news so grim that it had to cook the headline to hide it: “Median Household Income Down 7.3% Since Start of Recession.”

Well, yes, but as the Times reluctantly admits in the very last paragraph of the story, 5.6 percent of that decline has occurred since the Obama “recovery” began. And median annual household income just fell by 1.1 percent in a single month – February 2013 – after the Obama “recovery” has supposedly been in progress for years. That’s after $6 trillion in deficit spending to “stimulate” the economy, supposedly for the benefit of the average household."

"The New York Times delivers some news so grim that it had to cook the headline to hide it: “Median Household Income Down 7.3% Since Start of Recession.”

Well, yes, but as the Times reluctantly admits in the very last paragraph of the story, 5.6 percent of that decline has occurred since the Obama “recovery” began. And median annual household income just fell by 1.1 percent in a single month – February 2013 – after the Obama “recovery” has supposedly been in progress for years. That’s after $6 trillion in deficit spending to “stimulate” the economy, supposedly for the benefit of the average household."

You're a moron if you think Obama or Romney in the Presidency would have changed these numbers.

Lehman falling was a long time coming, it wasn't the republicans or the democrats who instigated it, it's just part of our system.

We needed smarter regulations, not more regulations, something both sides can agree to.
You also seem like a very unlikeable person Ender. This too is not based in fact, just a hunch.
All this really comes down to the equation MV=PY. M is the money supply, V is the velocity of money, P is the price level, Y is real economic production.

Paultards/Austrians assume an increase in M must result in an identical increase in P. The idea that banks might just stick that money in idle reserves, thus lowering V and not transmitting to the PY side, is just beyond their comprehension. Hence why QE must be leading to hyperinflation, if only we could find it, or maybe it's just on a lag and we'll have 100% annual inflation any day now. Austrians pretend Japan does not exist, because otherwise their heads would explode from the cognitive dissonance of a country exploding its money supply and yet somehow experiencing deflation.

Monetarists assume an increase in M must result in an increase to both P and Y. They don't really exist anymore because their policy recommendations don't conform to either the Democratic or Republican preferred policies, so they don't get funding. Monetarists believe that monetary policy is always and everywhere sufficient to moderate the business cycle and restore full employment with ordinary measures, thus making fiscal policy unnecessary. If you find one of these people shouting into the darkness, they'll likely be saying something like "Bernanke could fix everything, if only he'd follow MY advice." Some NGDP-targeting advocates arguably fall into this category.

Keynesianism looks at the IS-LM curves and concludes that the demand for money to borrow and spend is lower than the supply of savings even at an interest rate of zero, and conclude that an increase in M will mostly result in a fall in V. Hence, any impact on Y must come from fiscal policy, not monetary policy. Of course, the IS-LM curves are dynamic, not static, so the ineffectiveness of monetary policy, and the resulting effectiveness of fiscal policy, is a product of the current circumstances, not a permanent thing. The idea of policy recommendations changing based on changing economic circumstances is too difficult for most conservatives to handle, so you will often find them battling strawmen Keynesians, who believe that government should always and everywhere pursue fiscal stimulus, a position taken by zero actual economists.

Keynesianism looks at the IS-LM curves and concludes that the demand for money to borrow and spend is lower than the supply of savings even at an interest rate of zero, and conclude that an increase in M will mostly result in a fall in V. Hence, any impact on Y must come from fiscal policy, not monetary policy. Of course, the IS-LM curves are dynamic, not static, so the ineffectiveness of monetary policy, and the resulting effectiveness of fiscal policy, is a product of the current circumstances, not a permanent thing. The idea of policy recommendations changing based on changing economic circumstances is too difficult for most conservatives to handle, so you will often find them battling strawmen Keynesians, who believe that government should always and everywhere pursue fiscal stimulus, a position taken by zero actual economists.


Krugman Embraces Keynesian Label to Defend Government Stimulus Spending

Nobel-prize winning economist Paul Krugman maintained his calls for government spending to create jobs after being labeled a “crude Keynesian” by fellow academic Jeffrey Sachs.

“The job of the government” is “to step in,” Krugman, a professor at Princeton University, said at a panel discussion at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday.
Krugman Embraces Keynesian Label to Defend Government Stimulus Spending - Bloomberg

lol whoops. why ya lyin?

now if you're saying your fellow [extremist] leftwing asshole krugman isnt an economist and nothing more than a political hack pretending to be an economist (like Owebama with a peace prize as he murders children with drones)

then I agree


yo eggi: sup bro. thnx for lettin me know I infuriate you. do you rage before or after you drink? or meds instead? you seem unbalanced. i'll help you help yourself

Krugman Embraces Keynesian Label to Defend Government Stimulus Spending - Bloomberg

lol whoops. why ya lyin?

now if you're saying your fellow [extremist] leftwing asshole krugman isnt an economist and nothing more than a political hack pretending to be an economist (like Owebama with a peace prize as he murders children with drones)

then I agree

Thanks for proving my point. Nowhere can you point to Krugman saying that government stimulus spending is ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE the correct policy; you linked to an article saying he thinks government stimulus spending is the correct policy HERE and RIGHT NOW.

Thanks for proving my point. Nowhere can you point to Krugman saying that government stimulus spending is ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE the correct policy; you linked to an article saying he thinks government stimulus spending is the correct policy HERE and RIGHT NOW.


Uh, think again. :rofl:

Using 'always' isn't a valid qualifier.

Hows that? Because you Keynesian scum faithfully believe that gvt is the answer.

Dont lie, we all know it's true.
aha. the usual liberals in this thread

one question

how much warning did the people in Cyprus get before losing their money?