Can anyone name a holiday that Americans haven't turned into an excuse to get drunk?

National Library Week--4th week in April
Reading is Fun Week--4th week in April
Read a New Book Month--December 1-31
Read Me Day--April 23
On this day, wear clothes that everyone can read.
National Storytelling Festival--October 5
Tell a Story Day--April 27
Read an Almanac Month--July 1-31
Dictionary Day--October 16
Card Reading Day--February 21
National Columnists Day--June 27
Humorists Are Artists Too Month (HAAM)--March 1-31
Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month--September 1-31
Want Humor? Go read some of Dave Barry's syndicated columns.
Poetry Month--March 1-31
Great Poetry Reading Day--April 28
Bad Poetry Reading Day--August 18
Limerick Day--May 12
Clerihew Day--July 10
Mother Goose Day--May 1
Winnie the Pooh Day--January 18
You don't have to be a little kid to appreciate Pooh! Go here: Pooh's Place.
Paul Bunyan Day--June 28
Tom Sawyer Fence Painting Day--July 4
Tolkien Week--Last week in September
Hobbit Day--September 22
To find out more about J.R.R. Tolkien and The Hobbit, go to About Hobbits and Such.
Alfred Hitchcock Day--March 12
Eliza Doolittle Day--May 20
This day is after a character in Shaw's Pygmalion and is for speaking one's native language properly.
Dear Diary Day--September 22
Plan Your Epitaph Day--November 1

I'll drink to that!
Presidents day, I work. Same with MLK day. What a stupid holiday. Black people have parades while ragging on whitey. White people go to work and don't care about the holiday.
We tend to drink most when we experience some type of spiritual dissonance, or when our inner truths don't match outer realities. If you're honest, all holidays should evoke this.
I don't see how this is limited to Americans. Adults drink when they get together regardless of the nationality. If you are referring to holidays where people go get smashed and party there are plenty, like Easter, that people don't do that on.