Can anyone name a holiday that Americans haven't turned into an excuse to get drunk?

National Library Week--4th week in April
Reading is Fun Week--4th week in April
Read a New Book Month--December 1-31
Read Me Day--April 23
On this day, wear clothes that everyone can read.
National Storytelling Festival--October 5
Tell a Story Day--April 27
Read an Almanac Month--July 1-31
Dictionary Day--October 16
Card Reading Day--February 21
National Columnists Day--June 27
Humorists Are Artists Too Month (HAAM)--March 1-31
Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month--September 1-31
Want Humor? Go read some of Dave Barry's syndicated columns.
Poetry Month--March 1-31
Great Poetry Reading Day--April 28
Bad Poetry Reading Day--August 18
Limerick Day--May 12
Clerihew Day--July 10
Mother Goose Day--May 1
Winnie the Pooh Day--January 18
You don't have to be a little kid to appreciate Pooh! Go here: Pooh's Place.
Paul Bunyan Day--June 28
Tom Sawyer Fence Painting Day--July 4
Tolkien Week--Last week in September
Hobbit Day--September 22
To find out more about J.R.R. Tolkien and The Hobbit, go to About Hobbits and Such.
Alfred Hitchcock Day--March 12
Eliza Doolittle Day--May 20
This day is after a character in Shaw's Pygmalion and is for speaking one's native language properly.
Dear Diary Day--September 22
Plan Your Epitaph Day--November 1
I know plenty

bet none of you americans get drunk on those days :D
So you've never gotten drunk and gone searching for easter eggs?

just cause 1 person does it does not make it an American tradition

to answer your question NO i have not... usually the easter egg hunts are in the morning on easter