[Official] Game of Thrones Season 2

God this show sucks. The guy who plays Jon snow is such a bad actor and he's definitely gotten worse since last season.
As someone who has read the books multiple times I can say I enjoyed the episode. However, for someone who hasn't read the books It would be easy to say there was a whole lot of nothing happening this episode and they would probably be confused as shit possibly at this point...

There should be lots of good shit next episode...i hope though.

Yeah, this was another episode where I had to explain why what was going on was awesome. It didn't make a lot of sense to my fiancee who hasn't read the books.
I haven't read the books and I feel like I know what's up. :shrug:

Though I did go through the Guide to Westeros on the Blu Ray. That gives me more insight than I would have otherwise.
I'm going to tell my friend this week who watches the show but refuses to read the books that the television story has veered too far off from the "purity" of the books to continue watching it.

Or you could just let them watch it and judge the show on its own merits. GRRM did an interview a while ago in which he made fun of people like you.
must be a female thing for not understanding..my coworker hasn't read the books and understands everything going on

I dunno why people who have read the books are so convinced you can't follow what's happening if you haven't read them.
It's not that hard. I'm sure there's a ton of subtleties and little details to go right over our heads, but they're doing a pretty good job with the narrative.

Tyrion playing everybody was pretty awesome.
I'd think I would have a horrible time following this without reading the books. It just moves so fast, I can see people not seeing the whole picture. I read the books and it took me a second to remember that it was Loras who Brienne was fighting.

The actress who plays Brienne was awesome. She was like 2 feet taller than Kat.
God this show sucks. The guy who plays Jon snow is such a bad actor and he's definitely gotten worse since last season.

I'm just a poor bastard boy
Tryin' to make my waaaay
In a world that just don't care
My soul's all torn and baaaaare
Gonna cry myself to sleep tonight!


Yeah, that dude really relies way too much on the pouty face school of drama acting.
i thought the episode was pretty good. i still dont understand why they have to expound on the homosexuality so much in the show. seems like theyre just trying to be edgy.
I didn't read the books, and love this season so far. Theon is quickly becoming my favorite character this season although Renly's wife is so absurdly hot that I might change my mind if they give her more awesome lines like the ones from last night.

I'm wishing for some sort of epic Robb/Theon 1v1 ala Obi-wan vs Anakin.
I dunno why people who have read the books are so convinced you can't follow what's happening if you haven't read them.
It's not that hard. I'm sure there's a ton of subtleties and little details to go right over our heads, but they're doing a pretty good job with the narrative.

Tyrion playing everybody was pretty awesome.

Because people who have read the books see how much is being left out. Gillie and Sam glanced at eachother 3 times and Sam was ready to abandon his vows and asked Jon to save her. Really?

One of the only scenes that I thought was well done was when Tyrion played everybody. If that scene was done with the brevity of most other scenes, Tyrion would have approached Cersei and said, "I got rid of the guy [spoiler saver], because he was feeding you information. Now, let's talk about Robb Stark."
It's cool I make fun of Martin all the time.

I think he stopped in the Arden Fair Mall one time to sneak-sign his books. He looked just like him, and he is standing there in fiction next to me while I go over the Turtledove books to find the next one I need.

And he was probably thinking, 'This guy is standing right next to me and doesn't know I am G. R. R. Martin.'

As I was thinking to myself, 'Wow, G. R. R. Martin is standing right next to me looking smug and doesn't know I am SecretSquirrel.'

It is known.

It is known.
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Well there's so much subplot in the books it's not surprising that the show has veered off and simplified things. I mean Daenarys is lost in the desert for most of the book, not much story to it. It's obvious they're focusing mostly on Tyrion's manipulation of King's Landing and introducing the characters who will have more play as the series moves into seasons 3 and 4.

The chick who plays Renly's wife is fucking hot as shit. I don't remember her being some manipulative in that scene but maybe they are setting her up for later.

don't like the show so far but i didn't like the first 2/3s of the second book

i think they should have retconned ned stark's execution for the show or found some character for sean bean to play and i'd probably be enjoying it

Yeah, that would have worked.
It was genious casting sean bean as eddard stark. Brought in a lot of people who normally wouldnt watch it and get invested.