Trayvon Martin killed by "neighborhood watch" in Miami

so zimmerman's wounds appeared by magic?

By majick no.

I'm sure that the alcohol in his system, and the fact he stalked, attacked, and then shot a kid played a huge role in Zimmerman's wounds.

You are worrying about wounds that scumbag ended up with? Completely ignoring the fact that said scumbag murdered a kid because he wanted to be a cop all of his life.

You disgust me almost as much as Zimmerman does.

Man, it's the exact opposite of the Fast and Furious investigation

:rofl: What a shocker, right?
I love these threads. The morons reveal themselves, speaking as if they were there and watched a high-definition video of the entire event taking place.

He probably saw a suspicious person (black, let's be real now -- anyone with a brain would be suspicious of someone in a hoodie in a whiteish neighborhood, let alone a black) in a hoodie walking around his neighborhood and he might even be a bit overzealous when it comes to "protecting it." He probably followed and/or confronted the black kid (man) and this led to a physical confrontation which ended in the kid (man) being shot.

All of the specific details in and between that are either bullshit, hearsay, or just sensationalist "news" stupidity. Anyone suggesting otherwise is a fucking moron that lacks the ability to think critically.

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On the upside, maybe all this bad press will finally convince Florida legislators to repeal this retarded law.
Cops do the same thing, engage someone, argue, then shoot. If a dog walks up to a cop wagging it's tail, they'll shoot it dead. The kid should of had a taser, not a real gun. He was on a power trip. Won't be convicted for murder, but would lose a civil case (he has no money).
The benefit of the doubt is with this shitskin, be he a jew or a spic (undetermined). Nigs are all criminals given the slightest chance.
I have no idea if the dude murdered the kid, all i know is the cops tried really hard to make it look justified.
the law is fine

cops needs to enforce it

when 911 says dont follow someone with your gun in your hand maybe cops arrest the dude if he does
People shouldn't be able to defend themselves when they legitimately feel their life is threatened?

If an armed intruder is breaking into your house you should be able to defend yourself. But if you're accosting people and putting yourself in a "life threatening" situation then the law of self defense shouldn't apply. The responsibility of armed citizens isn't to play cops or instigate violence.
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If an armed intruder is breaking into your house you should be able to defend yourself. But if you're accosting people and putting yourself in a "life threatening" situation then the law of self defense shouldn't apply. The responsibility of armed citizens isn't to play cops or instigate violence.

I'd rep all over your face and lower back if not on my phone.
If an armed intruder is breaking into your house you should be able to defend yourself. But if you're accosting people and putting yourself in a "life threatening" situation then the law of self defense shouldn't apply. The responsibility of armed citizens isn't to play cops or instigate violence.


What about an armed person that accosts you on the street? What about someone who is armed approaching your vehicle?