[Boardgames] Recommendations


Veteran XV
Wondering what boardgames TWers would recommend for a regular group of 4-6 (sometimes 7 or 8) people to play.

I already own about 20 or so.. but the ones that we've really taken a liking to as of late are:

Bohnanza (Haven't tried any of the expansions, a little hesitant)
7 Wonders
Power Grid
Munchkin (Don't have any expansions yet for this either)
Dominion (No expansions yet)
Ticket to Ride
Yea, Catan is on my list to pick up.. I've actually never played, despite it being one of the most popular board games in the world.

Haven't heard of Tripoly though, and is Apples to Apples worth the purchase, replayability?
Yea, Catan is on my list to pick up.. I've actually never played, despite it being one of the most popular board games in the world.

Haven't heard of Tripoly though, and is Apples to Apples worth the purchase, replayability?

Tripoly is a card based game with betting and a board. Chips or real money...whatever. Starts out with a twist on poker. You play your 5 best cards..and then after that, goes on normal play. Sort of hard to explain..Goes on until people get tired of playing it really. Fun game though.

Apples to apples is a pretty fun game. Good game for a night of drinking. It can get pretty ridiculous.
Cranium is awesome if you have a decent sized bunch to play it with. We used to have late night cranium sessions after all the bars closed. loads of fun with the right people.

Cranium is one I already own, though I haven't played it yet. Was the gf's, and we haven't gotten around to it on a game night yet, but I'll be sure to put it into the rotation for hte next week or two.

History of the World sounds interesting, I'll have to do some more research into that one, thanks!

Arkham Horror reminded me of a game I had meant on picking up but it was on back order the last time I brought some new games in, Pandemic. So going to go and see if I can find that one now.
I would suggest getting some expansions for Dominion. They are mostly all better than the original. Prosperity and Intrigue are both really good. Seaside as well. I am less a fan of Alchemy as I think the potion add needless complexity having another currency. But once you have those, having a game made up of some cards from a few sets its really awesome. a 4 intrigue 6 prosperity split on the cards is pretty cool.

Puerto Rico is really good. Although caps out at 5, but we have forced it to work with 6 and it still was fine. Probably my favorite actual board game.

Race for the Galaxy can be a bit of fun. Its card based like Dominion, but really shares quite a few things with Puerto Rico in general terms, but is set in space and quite different :) Kinda takes a lot of games to get your head around the different strats. Its got a sizable random element, and to play well you really need to know what all the cards are, which only comes from playing.
I would suggest getting some expansions for Dominion. They are mostly all better than the original. Prosperity and Intrigue are both really good. Seaside as well. I am less a fan of Alchemy as I think the potion add needless complexity having another currency. But once you have those, having a game made up of some cards from a few sets its really awesome. a 4 intrigue 6 prosperity split on the cards is pretty cool.

Puerto Rico is really good. Although caps out at 5, but we have forced it to work with 6 and it still was fine. Probably my favorite actual board game.

Race for the Galaxy can be a bit of fun. Its card based like Dominion, but really shares quite a few things with Puerto Rico in general terms, but is set in space and quite different :) Kinda takes a lot of games to get your head around the different strats. Its got a sizable random element, and to play well you really need to know what all the cards are, which only comes from playing.

Dominion is probably my favorite game out of all of them right now (7 Wonders and Bohnanza right behind it), so expansions for that are definitely on the horizon, however we've only done a half dozen games of the original, so may wait a few weeks longer before breaking in an expansion.

I recall reading about Puerto Rico, but not remembering exactly how it played out, I'll take another look at that one, thanks.

My brother is a big sci-fi setting guy, so Race for the Galaxy might jsut be up his alley, will take a look into that one.

Thanks for the ideas!
Another game I picked up a couple months ago was Agricola. While I'm a pretty big fan of it, a couple of my regulars really disliked the complexity, and what seemed like lack of direct competition. Just curious on other people's thoughts of the game. I really enjoyed the complexity and the sheer # of different routes you can take to achieve a winning score at the end of the game.

My only gripe about the game is that I feel like it ends too soon. Like you've just finally managed to get 2 or 3 jobs, and 4 or 5 major/minor improvements.. got a real farm going. Some nice livestock, and a decent sized family.. but boom, game is over. Ending with a good sized handful of left over jobs and/or minor improvements. I worked so hard to earn those 4 or 5 family members to get more actions per turn, but now i've only got 1 turn left to use all of them, and I've gotta focus on maximizing my end score by grabbing a cow here or a couple of reed there, rather than pumping out some more interesting jobs/improvements/major improvements.

History of the World sounds interesting, I'll have to do some more research into that one, thanks!

Arkham Horror reminded me of a game I had meant on picking up but it was on back order the last time I brought some new games in, Pandemic. So going to go and see if I can find that one now.

History of the World is great, but it can take a long time to play. If you can prevent it make sure that whoever plays Rome doesn't play the Guptas the next turn.

Arkham Horror is another long game but is great to play. It's also one of the few games I've ever played that everyone is working together instead of against each other.