UVALAN [uvalan]

id maybe consider it.

idk if id play tribes

id probably just hangout and dick around (deep dicking, ofc)
i'd wager at least 90% of TW doesn't give a shit about games anymore

just tell it like it is... it's a chance for a bunch of grown men to act like high school idiots for a few days again
and why is that a bad thing

We can call it a fucking TW Retreat if you want

bring your rig if you want to game, or get drunk and splash around the pool with all your favorite E personalities/tools/trolls/fags

possibly both
and why is that a bad thing

We can call it a fucking TW Retreat if you want

bring your rig if you want to game, or get drunk and splash around the pool with all your favorite E personalities/tools/trolls/fags

possibly both

i would go depending on who signed up

if it's a bunch of people that played t1, i'd probably go

if it's a bunch of forum faggots i don't recognize, pass
I'd make an effort to go out, my 14 year old self would never forgive me if I gave up the chance to attend an uvalan after tribes was such a big part of my life at one point
I've never been to one of these things, I would go if there were enough old school tribes people to make it worth spending a plane ticket on. It'd have to be over a weekend or something too. I'd totally install tribes on my laptop and be a nerd for a weekend again.